Chapter 8

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The next morning Ronald and Light Water came to the reservation. Jason didn't know they were back on the reservation. Ronald and Light Water went to the saloon in town and got a couple of drinks. Jason woke up and got dressed, and walked over to the saloon. He walked inside and went to the bar and sat down at the bar.

"Whisky?" asked the man slapping the bar. 

The bartender handed him his drink, then he started to ask for more, so he gave it to him. Then he started to get loud and being rude and trying to start fights.

"Sir you're going to have to leave, you had too much to drink," said the bartender.

"He is right, you need to leave before somebody gets hurt," said Ronald.

"Are you talking to me old man?" asked the man turning around.

"Sir you are disturbing the peace," said Light Water.

"What do you know about peace Injun?' asked the man.

"I know a lot more than you do," said Light Water.

"You Injuns think you live in a sufficient world out here, well you don't, you Injuns think you know everything," said the man.

"Leave them alone," said Jason.

"Or what Injun?" asked the man.

"I'll go get the Sheriff," said Jason walking away.

"I am so scared," said the man laughing.

"We'll go with you," said Light Water.

So they went to go get the Sheriff.

"Sheriff a man in the saloon is starting trouble," said Ronald.

So the Sheriff quickly walked over to the saloon.

"What's going on here?" asked the Sheriff walking in.

"That man is messing up my saloon Sheriff," said the bartender.

"Alright, come on, you had too much to drink already," said the Sheriff.

The man looked at an empty bottle of whisky and smiled. He threw the bottle at the Sheriff, the Sheriff quickly pulled his pistol out and shot the glass, the glass bottle shattered and went everywhere. Then three men sustained him and the Sheriff quickly handcuffed him and took him to the jailhouse.

"Ronald, when can I go home now?" asked Running Water.

"What? You are home," said Ronald.

"No, I want to go home, to my family, I know I am an Indian, I know where I come from, but I am ready to go home and see my family," said Jason.

"Alright sonny, you do what you think is best, but when you go back, they will still see you as an Indian, not a white man," said Ronald.

Then Jason went back to Sky Woman's house and sat down at the table and started eating. Jason did not eat much.

"What's the matter?" asked Sky Woman.

"I am sorry, I just want to go home," said Jason.

"You don't like it here?" asked Sky Woman.

"I do, it's great," said Jason.

"But," said Sky Woman.

"I have a mother, a father, a family that misses me very much. I want to go home. So I'm leaving tomorrow morning," said Jason getting up from the table and going to his room, they all got up from the table and went to bed.

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