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\\\\Pete POV////

3 damn weeks ago my world got flipped upside down. March 13th was the day my 10 month older, much cooler, and well known big sister Amber Wentz started dating Frank Iero my schools bad ass. All of Frank's best friends were also Badasses too, Gerard Way, Ray Toro, Bob Bryar, Jack Barakat, Kellin Quinn, and Mikey Way. Man that boy He just seems so cool, interesting, and cute. Just a little!! Mikey and his friends don't hang out with the local nice guys like me. Yep I'm Pete Wentz also known as 'Local good guy' 'Mr.Yes' 'Go to guy' or mostly 'Wow! Your not like your sister!'. Now that my sister is hanging out with those guys I of course get pulled into that group. I'm not those boys and girls I can't hang with them! I'm too soft. If any good comes out of this it will be I get to know Mikey better!

\\\\Mikey's POV////

3 weeks ago one of my friends, Frank Ireo started dating Pete Wentz, literally the nicest guy in out school, older sister Amber. About the same time one of my other friends, Ray Toro, started dating one of Pete's few friends, Dawn.
Let's get this straight I never wished to be known as a bad boy. In my younger years I was a really good kid, but then I started hanging out with my older and much cooler brother, Gerard and his friends, Frank Ireo, Ray Toro, Bob Bryar, Jack Barakat, and Kellin Quinn, causing me to ditch my old friends for these cooler guys and making me change my old ways to fit my new friends.
It would be a lie if I said Pete wasn't hot, which he is. He is so hot that I wish he was into me. But I'm afraid he'll look at the things I've done in the past few years and think of me as a bad person, to be brutally honest I wouldn't blame him if he believed that at all. I mean I've given ample reasons to deserve to be known as a terrible person. I've been kicked out of school several times, and been to JDC a few times. I may or may not smoke and on an occasion do drugs or drink alcohol or even party. I'm not big on the party scene, I don't mind the substance use I just not big on people. I like my circle. In reality it's quite small. Gerard his a lot of friends that I'm friends with by acquaintance, my circle is just Ray, Frank, and my brother.
I'm glad I have a chance to talk to Pete Wentz, I've been dying to talk to him for years bit I've been to scared. Will he see me as the boy I appear to be or the boy I really am??

((Amber- A/n. yo yo yo I'm really excited to be writing this with dawn. Ill be writing most of Pete's parts and Dawn will write most of mikeys AND YES IM FRANKS GIRLFRIEND IN THIS SO WHAT but ily and thanks for reading <3)))

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