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\\\Pete Pov///

"Yeah, Mr.Pete Wentz hanging with the cool boys and girls tonight." I smiled looking at myself in the full body mirror fixing my Nirvana shirt and black skinny jeans.

Amber is making me go with her tonight to some party for a guy she doesn't even know. Frank is taking her and she wants me to go so I can "have fun?"
All of our schools bad boys are going to be there including Mikey.

Smoking, Drinking, Drugs. The party scene. Not something I've ever done. Yeah sure I've been to a few parties. Birthday parties you know the parties where you go over and have nerf wars those party's.There were no drugs,drinking, or couples eating each others faces off. I'm pretty sure that's exactly what's going to be in store for this party.

"Pete let's go! The boys and their girls are going to be here soon!" Amber yelled from down stairs.

I flipped my black hair out of my face walking down the stairs with my hands in my pockets.

"Turn." Amber said when I got at the bottom of the stairs.

I frowned turning. "Why?"

"I just wanted to make sure you look okay." She nodded pulling a stray string off my shirt.

"Do I?" I asked.

"Yeah Bro your fine" Amber smiled and walked away putting her red heels on.

It's was only about 30 seconds after Amber checked my appearance that there was a knock on our door.

"Pete! let's go!" Amber leaned in the living room to tell me.

I nodded and walked behind her meeting Frank at the door.

"Hey babe, Babe's little brother." He nodded to me "Sup?"

"Nothing much Iero just ready to party." I shrugged trying to play it off cool.

"Oh he's coming?" Frank looked at Amber.

"Yes, our parents are out for two weeks and I don't want to leave the poor boy alone." Amber gave me a small smile.

"Well lets head out. Its just me Gerard, you Pete and Mikey in the car. The rest of the guys are going to meet us in a different car." Frank said.

Mikey. Mikey fucking Way. I'm going to be in the same car as- Holy shit I knew he would be there but in the same car. Pete chill.
My thoughts were going crazy as we walked outside. I walked behind Amber and Frank linked by the hands.

"Hey Pete you take the back with Mikey." Frank called letting Gerard out of the car for Amber to sit in the middle of Frank and Gerard.

Really?! sit with him too? I have not prepared myself for this!

I opened the back left door, leaning my head down getting in. "Uh Hi Mikey...." I said trying to keep from getting red.

"Oh Hiya Pete." Mikey looked at me and winked.

Oh great.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2015 ⏰

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