Chapter 12: Old Friends, New Enemys

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I walked around the town my Kopis in hand. You never felt safe anymore, not anywhere. The biggest mistake in the apocalypse is feeling safe. It's hopeless really, Lewis says this will just blow over and it will all be contained soon. It's not going to happen, he's just holding onto false hope. I find myself thinking about my family more and more. Damn why did they have to be so far away? Frustrated, I kicked a stone and watched it bounce on the road. It's what 2:30 am? I can't sleep anymore, my sleep is filled with nightmares. My whole group is falling apart. The only two people I can really rely on is Lewis and Scarlett. I know I can trust them both to the end. I heard footsteps behind me, I spun around pointing my Kopis and my pistol at it. Alex stood there holding his hands up, I lowered my weapons and kept walking. He caught up with me and we walked in silence.
"How are you?" His voice was laced with worry.
"This is hopeless. We're all going to die sooner or later. We're just delaying our deaths." I kept my face blank and my voice was cold. He flinched at my coldness and then recovered.
"I believe we can all survive. With you leading us we will be fine." I laughed coldly at what he said.
"We've all become killers Alex, even if we survive we will die of exhaustion or we will starve. Which ever one gets us first I guess." I turned my head away so he couldn't see my face. His face fell and he looked down at the ground. We walked in silence for a few minutes before we heard a scream. It was from a near by building, I sprinted to the scream. A girl was on the roof of a building, zombies began to close in. No one else was going to die, not again. A new fire burned in my eyes and I launched myself on the roof and defended her. Alex watched from the ground wide eyed. After I had finished killing them all I was covered in blood, blood had splashed up on my face and I was panting hard. The girl looked at me scared. I wiped the blood off my hands and put my Kopis in it sheath. I put my hand out to her which she hesitated for a minute before grabbing it. I helped her up.
"I'm Chelsea and down there is Alex. I'm with a group of survivors at the pharmacy. Would you like to join us?" She nodded and walked off the roof with me. She seemed interested in Alex and was talking to him non stop rage bubbled up inside of me. When we reached the pharmacy I stormed inside not looking at anyone. I locked myself in the empty storeroom. I heard a soft knock on the door.
"It's me Chelsea. Please let me in." Scarlett's voice said softly. Let the door open with a soft click. She came in and shut the door behind her, I was sitting against the wall hugging my knees to my chest. I was falling apart. She sat next to me sitting the same way.
"Everyone has changed so much, everyone is falling apart. You and Lewis are about the only two I can trust." I let out a shaky breath and I closed my eyes for a minute. I felt I pinprick in my arm and I looked to see Scarlett pull a needle out of my arm. I felt sleepy all the sudden.
"Have a nice sleep." A harsh voice said.
-The next day-
I woke up in a strange smelling room. What happened? I rubbed my head that was throbbing. Suddenly I remembered, what had Scarlett injected me with? I got up out of the metal chair was on, I grabbed for my Kopis. It wasn't there, I checked for my other weapons they were all gone to. I put my hand in my shoe, my multi tool was still there. I smiled to myself. I gripped the handle on the door and pulled it. Locked. I fiddled around with the lock using my multitool, eventually it opened. I opened the door slightly, all I could see was concrete everywhere. It looked like a underground bunker. I walked down the concrete hallway before I came across a room, I opened it slightly, no one was in there. I walked in and closed the metal door behind me. My Kopis and other weapons were there, I sighed and put my belt and other weapons on. I held my Kopis in my hand, I opened the door again and walked down the path quietly. I came across another room and I heard two voices, I tried listening to what they were saying but they were muffled through the door. I leaned on the door and it came flying open, I stumbled in the room and smiled at the two boys who were shocked to see me. One of them jumped to tackle me, I sidestepped and he landed on his stomach on the floor. When he got up I pistol whipped him with my gun and he laid on the floor unconscious. The other one pinned me against the wall, he had black hair and brown eyes. I struggled against his iron grip before giving up. His grip softened and I kneed him in the stomach. He doubled over and I put my Kopis away and pointed my gun at him.
"No..... More." I panted. He put his hands up with a grin.
"Ok ok you got me." Soon as he spoke I realised how familiar his voice was. He raises his head to look at me. Cameron. I dropped my gun and ran over to him. I embraced him in a tight hug which he returned.
"Good to see you finally recognised me." He grinned.
"Shut up...." I mumbled under my breath. He laughed hearing my comment.

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