STORY III: Peter Thins Them Out

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(Based the story of Peter Pan by J. M. Barrie, an unofficial untold story)

A young boy, who about to turn eleven the very next day was forbid not go out of his room by his mother. No matter the circumstances, he must not leave his room. His mother locked the entry door so just to be sure that the boy would not be able to step outside.

Held captive from his own room, the young boy sat at the corner of the room holding a silver pocket watch that his late father gave him. He was silently listening to the ticking of the second hand. Tick-tock-tick-tock. A sudden knock from the window across the door broke the silent. He opened the window without fearing to what was waiting from the other side.

Stepping to the frame of the window appeared a blonde young boy with strange clothing, wrapped with autumn leaves and spider-webs. The boy was also barefoot with dirt.

"Welcome Me!" the blonde boy exclaimed.

"Who are you?" the boy asked bewildered by the other boy.

"I am the great Peter Pan," the blonde boy answered as he posed with his hands by his waist.

"How did you come up here?" the young boy asked again to Peter, wondering how Peter was able to climb from a three story building.

"Fly, of course." Peter answered.

"You can fly?" the young boy responded with disbelief.

"Of course I can fly." Peter excitedly answered while he rises up slowly for show.

The boy's face was so amazed by what he sees.

"Let us play outside. There is more adventures outside."

"I can't. My mother won't allow me to leave." The young boy shudders from the fear as he remembers his mother.

Peter looked around the room and even lean by the window to check if he could the young boy's mother, but not one sign did he see. "I don't see her though." He said with wonder.

The young boy could not answer Peter's remark.

"I live in a place where pirates sails the sea, mermaid swims the lake, fairies flies freely and also the lost boys." Peter described. "You can play without restraint. I can teach you to fly. Think only of happy thoughts," Peter persuaded as he blows some dust on the young boy.

Fascinated by what Peter told him. The boy suddenly rose up from the ground. He was flying.

The two young boys then flew out of the window and into the sky.

Soar from the sky the sun flashes it's raining lights to Neverland. Flower bloomed, bird chirps resonating their melody, the young boy could see how lovely the island was. Peter introduced the young boy to the lost boys, who have been staying in Neverland together with Peter.

Peter and the boy went around exploring the wonders of the island. Fairies dancing to celebrating the young boy's arrival, seeing real mermaids that they were true beauties from the water, it became a lot of fun for the young boy's mind. He didn't even notice that weeks have already passed. He could live without remembering his mother. Until years have already passed.

The boy grew taller, bigger. His appearance was almost not of a child. He was getting older like the other lost boys.

"We are going to hunt for pirates today." Peter declared as the boys cheered for an answer.

Without warning and with the lead of Peter, they attacked the ship of the pirates. They were at the advantage for they can fly unlike the pirates, who were desperate to kill them. One by one the lost boys and Peter have killed more pirates. Slaughtering every pirate they could see but suddenly the once young boy noticed that Peter had switched sides. Peter was killing the boys instead of the pirates.

The boy learned from the years he have lived with Peter, there was this one rule Peter sets, no lost boy will ever grow up. Come to realized he tried to stop Peter from killing the others. But Peter was more experience than him, more skillful. As he fights Peter, he had suddenly felt fear that weakens his ability to fly. At one final blow of attack from Peter, the boy fell into the sea. Deep under the water, he remembered his mother and then took out from his pouch the pocket watch he had since before. Ticking under the water the boy didn't notice that a more fearsome creature descends towards him. Sharp teeth trap the boy's hand. Red fluid gushes out from his arm. The boy straggles to break free took out his dragger and cut off his own hand to free himself.

Floating from the water as his blood flows making the water red, the boy loses his consciousness. Just above him the ship still attacked. Then came out from his cabin the pirates captain, Blackbeard holds up the fights from Peter. On par, Peter lost his desire to fight that he flew out together with few survived lost boys. As Blackbeard saw the boy floating beside his ship, he fished the boy out and treated the boy's wounds.

As the boy woke up from his slumber he became aware of his hand.

"Peter thins them out," Blackbeard spoke standing in front of him. "Rules are growing up needs to be stop." He continued.

"I cannot fly anymore. I don't have anywhere to go."Fearing to be killed by Peter, the boy could only weep.

"Do you want to be a pirate?" Blackbeard offers him.

Without hesitation the boy agreed to Blackbeard's offer. And as a welcome of part of the pirate's crew, Blackbeard presented the boy with a gift.

"Here is a gift from becoming a pirate." Blackbeard handing the boy a box.

The boy then opened the box to see what was in it. It turns out to be a bent metal to be attached to his amputated arm.

"What is your name boy?" Blackbeard asked.

"James, sir," the boy answered.

Without hesitation, Blackbeard decided on to what the boy should be called. "From now on, you are to be called, James Hook."

Then on the legend of Captain James Hook became the arch-enemy of the mischievous boy, the leader of lost boys, Peter Pan.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2015 ⏰

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