STORY II: Red Velvet Cap

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(Base from Little Red-Cap of the Brothers Grimm) 

Once upon a time in a small village far from the kingdom lived a lovely little girl. Everybody from the village loved and adored her, but most of all she was loved by her mother. Her mother did not know what to give to her beloved child and since she had made her a velvet cap colored of red.

“Here my child, I give you this red velvet cap and wear it.”

The little girl was fond of the red velvet cap that she would not wear anything else; everybody called her Little Red-Cap.

One day playing by the field, Little Red-Cap met an old lady who have stumble down by the road.

“Are you ill?” asked by the child.

“I could not stand for I am old and hungry,” said by the old lady. “If only you could bring food so I could eat at my house.”

Saddened by the old lady, Little Red-Cap offered the old lady to bring a food at her house. Thus the old lady went home and the child asked her mother for a piece of cake and a bottle of wine.

“Here is a piece of cake and a bottle of wine but where you would take them to?” asked the curious mother.

“To the sick old lady by the forest,” sweetly said by Little Red Riding.

The mother knew who it was and was relieved for her child. “The grandmother lived by the forest is old and weak. Be careful on the way and take the path straight, do not wonder,” told by her mother.

Little Red-Cap then set out to the forest, keeping in mind the words her mother told her. As she walk the road within the forest she came to met a kind woodcutter. He asked where Little Red-Cap would go. The girl answered him honestly. The kind woodcutter offered her to go together because it was dangerous for a child to wonder by the forest alone.

“Let me walk you there.”

“Thank you very much sir.”

As they walked a wolf attacked the kind woodcutter. Little Red-Cap was yelled by the woodcutter to run.

“Run!” yelled by woodcutter.

As told Little Red-Cap run away as far as she could. Fearing that she was followed by the wolf hurriedly walk to the old lady’s house. As she came, she knocked at the door.

“Who is it?”

“Little Red-Cap, who has brought cake and wine.”

The old lady cried out in a soften voice. “Come in.”

Upon coming in, she then went to the bed seeing the old lady laying down by the bed and covered with bedclothes. The little girl stared heavily to the old lady who was on the bed. 

“Grandmother, what big eyes you have!” Little Red-Cap asked with surprise. 

“All the better to see you with.”

“Grandmother, what big ears you have!”

“All the better to hear you with.”

“Grandmother, what big arms you have!”

“All the better to hug you with.”

“Grandmother, what a big teeth you have!” cried by Little Red-Cap.

“All the better to eat you with!”

And there it was the wolf, leapt out from the bed and ate the poor Little Red-Cap as a whole.

Little did Little Red-Cap knew that it was the old lady who stumbled by the road. The old lady transformed into a wolf so she could eat her prey as a whole. Tales have spread from the village that Little Red-Cap and the woodcutter were eaten by a wolf and warned everyone that the danger in forest befall whoever’s walk there . The old lady still continued to pretend to be able to eat and might have transformed someone else now.

Little children should never follow and obey a stranger even if it's hungry or not. You may give but never follow.


Author's Note: So-sorry for the long wait. <(_ _)> I was having a hard time what story to write next and how to make it twisted. Sorry again. But this time I will tell you that this book will be very-very slow on updates so I apologize again in advance. =_= But still please do continue to support. 

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