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Some wise person, somewhere in the world once said, "Rock and Roll has no beginning and no end for it is the very pulse of life itself." As Stiles looked at the crowd surrounding the stage, he believed this to be true. He could almost hear the adrenaline pumping through their veins and see the excitement in their eyes. A guitar strummed to life and a shudder ran down his spine. Rock was the essence of his soul incarnate.

Lydia addressed the crowd, asking for any requests. It was the final song of the evening and they were soaked in sweat and completely exhausted. Someone from the front requested one of his favorites from Flyleaf. He grinned as a drop of sweat rolled off of his brow and onto the floor. He strummed the guitar, the bass vibrating the entire club. He silently praised the sound guys for the incredible speakers in this place, it really made them look good.

The song slowly came to an end as the crowd roared to life demanding an encore. Stiles looked around the club out of habit. He loved looking into the face of every member in the audience, it filled him with a sense of pride and contentedness knowing that they were enjoying music that he was making. This is what truly gave him purpose.

He scanned the eyes of every person from the front row to the back row when he locked eyes with...him. The next song started up and he took the opportunity to shuffle over to Scott, who was sitting behind the smallest drum set he had ever laid eyes on.

"Scott...!" Stiles whisper-yelled at his best friend who was too busy head banging to hear him. "SCOTT!" He raised his voice a little higher this time and tried to move closer which thankfully caught his attention.

Scott raised an eyebrow and Stiles nodded toward the crowd. "Derek's here, man."

It shouldn't be weird that a resident of Beacon Hills would show up here, but it was. It was especially weird that the resident was Derek Hale. You know...considering he said that their music was crappy teen garage stuff and that he'd rather lick a skunk's ass than go see them in concert. Who knows...maybe he's just bored and needing a drink. Although, there is like four other bars in Beacon Hills, so why this one?

Here he goes again, just thinking too much into things. Maybe Derek just wanted to give their music a chance and that was good enough for Stiles. He played to his little heart's content, trying to give the best performance he could possibly manage. This was their first 'real' gig and Stiles wanted to give a good first impression, hoping word of mouth after this would send them skyrocketing. He could picture their future potential fame in his head and it made him giddy with excitement. He knew it was probably wrong to go into the music business for fame, but he didn't care. He wanted friends and people that looked up to him, he wanted girls to fall all over him even if they just wanted the popularity or the money. At least someone would notice him...but for now he would settle with just playing his music for the people in this small town.


Lydia, Scott, Stiles, Jackson, and Danny exited to the right of the stage and headed back into the makeshift backstage area. On a table, in the darkened hallway, sat a small envelope that was addressed to Stiles Stilinski. The group stopped and looked at Stiles questioningly, but he shrugged and put the letter in his pocket. Danny and Jackson kept going, but Scott and Lydia stayed, urging him to open it.

Dear Stiles,
Tonight was the first night I've heard you play. Tonight was also the first night in a very long time that music has made me feel something. I'll be back to the next one.

Thank you,

His face burned bright with embarrassment and happiness...it was his first bit of fan mail.

The three made their way to the back of the hallway, with Lydia in front and Stiles and Scott a minute behind mindlessly chatting, where the ugly, dingy door that read "Dressing Room" stood. Lydia was first to grab the handle and push it open with Scott and Stiles walking up behind her. The door to the dressing room was wide open and in the middle of the room stood Danny and Jackson; Scared, sweaty, and...naked.

[Sterek] Sex, Drugs, Rock N Roll, and Werewolves (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now