Taken by Storm

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Their new popularity had taken Stiles by surprise. People he had never seen before were suddenly stopping in the hallway to say hey. People were offering to do his homework and give him whatever he wanted out of their lunch. One guy even asked for his autograph.

He whistled as he slumped against Scott's locker.

"I'm not sure if I like this." He mumbled under his breath as a camera flash went off beside him.

"Why not? We deserve this. We've worked our asses off to get here." Scott frowned, silently agreeing with Stiles, but he wanting to stay positive.

"I just don't like that all these people we don't know are-" Stiles started, but was cut off.

"Speaking of people we don't know..." Scott trailed off as his eyes followed a small, brunette girl following Lydia. "Who is that?"

"Allison Argent. New kid, Lydia's new self-proclaimed 'BFF'." Stiles snorted as he watched the drool pool up in his friend's mouth. "Hey man, what are we doing after sch-"

Scott was already halfway down the hallway talking to Lydia and Allison. Stiles just sighed and made his way to his locker. He opened it and stared at the elegantly decorated letter he saved from the last gig. He thought it would be nice to see it everyday, maybe give him some confidence.

The final bell rang and he made his way go his jeep. He started it up, his favorite CD starting up instantly. As he jammed out to a classic Pearl Jam song, he decided it was too beautiful of a day to waste it playing Skyrim at home.

He drove out to his favorite spot in Beacon Hills...the Beacon Hills Reservation. All of his favorite memories were here in this vast expanse of endless wood. They all flooded back as he began his trek: his and Scott's first time drunk, his first time sneaking out, his first time petting a wild animal and every other thing he had ever done. This was the only place he felt whole.

Stiles stopped by a small creek bank and sat on a large upright rock. He took his shoes and socks and let his feet graze across the water. He smiled when the sunlight began to disappear through the trees as it set. The water was warm and he felt himself relax for the first time in weeks...until he heard it.

A small grunting noise coming from the treeline. He couldn't tell what it was from or whether or not he had actually heard it; so he sat and waited. The sound came again only moments later, except now it was louder.

Stiles jumped up off the rock and stumbled as he put his shoes on. He jumped off the little perch and made his way over to the trees as his curiosity had gotten the best of him. He couldn't stand the idea of someone being injured and just leaving them there...

A crash of thunder sounded overhead and his confusion grew into wild bewilderment. It was sunny only moments before. He inched closer to the trees, his blood pumping harder than he thought humanly possible. Rain began to fall just as his palm touched the tree bark.

A sudden thought hit him. Scott had said a week earlier that he had almost gotten attacked by a wolf. Maybe it was the same one? He shook his head, knowing that wolves weren't common and probably nocturnal. His head peaked around the trees but his vision was impaired. The rain was falling hard, the wind had picked up blowing leaves all around, and lighting blinded him. It was getting too dark to see.

The grunting noise could be heard again along with a piercing howl from what direction he couldn't tell. In a rush of adrenaline, he took off running to his Jeep. His legs began to ache and his chest clenched in fear. He could see the Jeep in the distance and relief flooded through him...that was until he tripped over something hard and hit the ground face first.

"Fuck!" He yelled and pulled his phone from his soaked pocket. He used the light to look around on the ground hoping to find whatever he tripped over. His hands ram across the ground until he grabbed hold of something cold and soft. He felt around the thing, thinking how weird of a tree root it was, until he realized what he was feeling...were fingers.

He jerked his hand back and turned the phone light toward the person.

"Derek Hale?"

Stiles screamed as teeth sank into his leg.

[Sterek] Sex, Drugs, Rock N Roll, and Werewolves (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now