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Stiles woke up alone.

Except he didn't really "wake" up and he wasn't sure whether or not he was actually alone. He was blinking, of that he was sure, but there was no light. Slowly, he sat up, groaning at the sudden sharp pain in his leg. He ignored it and shifted his body so that he was on his knees. He began to feel around him and all that he discovered was dirt. He would have stood if it weren't for the pain in his leg and the fear of the unknown.

"Hello?" Stiles called out into the darkness and it was answered with cold silence.

His leg was throbbing, the air was thick, and he was about to start panicking when a small light appeared directly in front of him. The light grew in size and he began to recognize a shape forming in the light. It was a figure, a person.

It was Derek Hale.

Stiles screamed and jerked awake. He stood up abruptly, gasping for air and panic still clear in his mind. He shook his head and went to take a step, but he lost his balance and tumbled into the creek. Finally, he realized where he was. He was still by the rock and the little creek bed that he and Scott had shared. He must have fallen asleep on the rock. Everything that had happened was all a dream. There was no storm, no dead Derek Hale, and no dark room.

He breathed a sigh of relief, pulling himself out from the creek and onto the bank. He laughed, suddenly embarrassed and very grateful he was alone. His hands subconsciously went to his leg where he was bitten in the dream. Stiles had expected it to be gone, but had raised his pant leg anyway just so he could clear his head.

Except the bite wasn't gone. There were large, unnaturally sized teeth mark on his calf. Blood trickled down the side of his leg and he watched it run into the creek, the color vanishing as it mixed with the fresh Californian water.


Stiles was slipping his shoes on when he felt a drop of water fall on his hand. His eyebrows furrowed and he looked up toward the sky. The clouds overhead were the color of charcoal and rain was falling, slowly at first...then all at once. It was like a faucet was turned on and all the water came rushing down, drenching him again.

"Are you shitting me?" He yelled as he stood up and began to limp-run back to the jeep. His leg hurt like hell, but thankfully he was able to make it back in record time before he heard thunder rolling. Stiles decided that he didn't plan on being a human lightning rod anytime soon.

He reached his hand out to grab the door handle when it was smacked away. Confusion hit him like a train and he looked up to see where the other hand had came from.

"What are you doing here? This is private property." Derek's voice was rough and it vibrated in Stiles' ears. His stomach churned with the overwhelming sense of deja vu.

"Y-yeah right...I'm sorry. I was just leaving." His heart hammered in his chest and his brain was about to short-circuit with the millions of anxious thoughts running through his head.
"But uh...just so you know, I think there's a wolf on your property. So you should be careful."

"I'm aware, but just so you know, you invaded his territory. If he bit you, consider yourself lucky. It was a warning." Derek turned on his heel and headed back off toward the woods.

Raining Blood by Slayer sounded through his jeans and he silently cursed himself for the irony of his ringtone. He also thanked himself for buying that waterproof case last month instead of a new vinyl.

"Hey." His voice shook more than he intended it to.

"Stiles, where the hell are you? I've called you like 9 times. You missed practice. Everything okay?" Scott adopted his worried dad voice and a smile ghosted Stiles' face.

"Yeah man I'm alright. Just needed some time off, ya know?"

"You can always talk to me, you know that." He could almost feel the smile on Scott's face and his hand patting his back like he always did when Stiles was upset.

"Yeah I know. Hey I-"

"Hey I gotta let you go dude. I'm kind of like on a with Allison. That new girl. Lydia hooked us up!"

"Oh cool. Alright. Later." Stiles hung up and shoved his phone back into his soaking wet pocket.

[Sterek] Sex, Drugs, Rock N Roll, and Werewolves (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now