Chapter 17: City that Never Sleeps

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Chapter 17: City that Never Sleeps

It took Luna an hour to rest her whole body, the mattress felt superbly comfortable unlike the first night it had been used. The way it stayed cold on the untouched room where the air conditioner was forgotten to be turned off made Luna realized how she loved her roommate.

The alarm rang around five in the afternoon and snoozed around seven minutes after where Luna finally decided to stand up and take a shower. It was hot and steamy, perfect temperature for a cold and well rested nap.

Luna came out of the shower with a towel on for her body and one for her head. Isabelle wasn’t back yet or at least didn’t come in while Luna was taking a shower. She looked over her bed and remembered one major problem that didn’t occur to her earlier.

Clothes. She thought. The closet was filled with trainee clothes, one pair of pants for each day and two shirts given per day. It was very shabby if she would wear one outside the company. Then she thought what the company looked like behind the walls. Luna didn’t even know where the company was located or even if it was on Earth.

She raised her hand and produced flame out of it summoning Lonato. The small salamander greeted her with its huge eyes and cute salute.

“Could you do a favor for me?” she asked.

Lonato nodded its head and floated.

“Could you like bring some of my clothes in here?” she asked, “The burned ones, I especially need the white top with a star in the middle which I got for my birthday last year, could you get it for me?” she requested and the young salamander saluted.

Within seconds, the salamander appeared and produced the shirt from his flame, it took twenty minutes before the whole shirt transformed from ashes to a white top. Young Lonato was drained intensely. His fire grew weak and floated a few inches down.

“Thank you so much, you could go now,”

With one energetic salute, Lonato disappeared and away he went.

The white top fitted nicely as she remembered it would be and it went nicely with his military pants that she took from the closet. It smelled very charred with a faint hint of Lemon which Luna didn’t expect.

Luna came out and went to the canteen to get some last minute snacks to fill her bag. The man with the Italian accent wasn’t there anymore which made her part relieved and part sad. Her tray was filled with cans of soda and three types of chips so she could share with everyone. The cashier didn’t ask her to pay and insisted she take some more, Luna thought it was polite but left with the things she only ordered.

Isabelle was already in the core waiting for her, with her bags and luggage. “Didn’t I tell you to pack?” she asked.


“Well we’ll figure something out there,” Isabelle said with a quite peppy smile. They walked towards the North Wing where the weird elevator was, “The others are upstairs already,” she said as she pressed the letter G. The elevator grew weirder moving sideways then it stopped and slowly ascended. They were six stories below the ground as Luna noticed. The elevator doors finally opened and let the smell of fresh air she missed so much welcomed her.

“Nice to see you Luna,” Bobby welcomed as he took Isabelle’s bag and walked towards a small cramped lobby with not much furniture and poor taste in tiling, it looked liked the bathroom without the water and other stuff you could find in a bathroom.

The lobby was filled with men in suits and women in office attires, it was their front liner as an insurance company and it looked very dull compared to the beauty of the core. It lacked gold, a huge painting of King Henry VII, a whole lot of machines and one giant Venus flytrap.

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