Chapter 30: Charlie's Last Surprise

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Chapter 30: Charlie's Last Surprise

Luna was still overwhelmed with the happening around her. First Charlie disappeared into ashes and next everything was still frozen. It wasn’t a dream just like Luna hoped it was, the ache inside her was too strong to be a dream.

The earth was still, peaceful and quiet; the feeling Luna wasn’t new to. She walked slowly, examining if everything was ever going to go back. Bit by bit, she was going crazy, was the world operating again and she didn’t know about it?

Her peaceful silence was later shattered by a loud honk of a car, followed by screaming and a few car brakes. The world was operating again and she wasn’t as crazy as she thought she was. A biker unintentionally bumped into Luna, he was completely surprised that a girl just appeared in front of her.

The biker fell on his side trying to avoid Luna, he cursed and biked on like nothing happened. Luna just stared still wondering around, not feeling herself.

“Jessica,” she whispered to herself. She remembered her suddenly and ran to her direction. “Jessica!” she screamed.

“Luna?” Jessica was unharmed but very confused until she saw Luna. “Where have you been?” she asked. “You were here then you’re gone.”

Luna didn’t really answer her questions, she just hugged Jessica and poured her heart out, shaken and bruised.

“What happen?” Jessica caressed her hair and patted her back at the same time.

“Charlie,” was all Luna can say. Jessica noticed Luna’s clothes were torn and filled with dirt. She was convinced that something happened to Luna that she didn’t know. Crazy as it seemed, Jessica wasn’t new to weird happenings.

Jessica looked at Luna in the eyes. “What happened?” she sincerely said with concern lacing her words.

“He’s dead,”

“Wait, what?” Jessica was totally shocked. Thousands of thoughts were running through her mind. Would she really believe Luna? A girl who is so innocent and pure?

“Come on, we need to go back,” Luna wiped the tears of her eyes and led the way, almost sprinting back to the Company. Tears were still running down her cheek but Luna just kept on running with Jessica tugged behind her.

Upon entering the Company’s building, Luna was surprised. The Company’s lobby was vacant. The concierges were missing which was very odd even the guards weren’t there which gave Luna the hunch that something was wrong. Jessica walked towards the couch and took something underneath it. It was a gun which she held in front of her. “Let’s go,” she said, this was a new Jessica, not the quirky girl but a brave one who led the way.

The elevators at the lobby opened and nothing was odd about it. They’ve waited for two minutes before the elevator opened to the Core. Beeping lights of red surprised them, the Company was in total chaos.

“Attention, this isn’t a drill. Attention, this isn’t a drill.” A female voice whom Luna recognized as Martha kept on repeating in speakers, a recorded message maybe. Men and women stood in rows led by Isaac Davis were already in place at the center of the Core.

Nel came running down upon seeing Jessica and Luna came out the elevators. “Where have you been?” He seemed pissed. “Come with me,” he took Jessica and Luna followed. “Luna, go to your room, I’ll give you instructions later.”

Nel and Jessica went off but Luna felt left out. Her mind was in total turmoil, the red alert and Charlie became too much and was totally stressed. She had nothing to do but walked towards her room.

People passed by Luna, they all rushed into the Core but Luna partly didn’t care. Her emotions were too overwhelming. This might be what Pele was talking about, ‘the less the bond, the better.’

The doorknob felt heavy as it offered resistance. Once Luna opened the lights, a sweet surprise was waiting for her. At the middle of the room was a small square table covered in linen cloth with red and orange silk cloth that resembled fire. There were red rose petals across the room, candles and a guitar at the side. One thing crossed her mind, this was Charlie’s surprise, and now it would be his legacy.

“Oh, Charlie,” Luna said. She closed the door behind her and walked towards the chair and lit one of the candles. She didn’t want to cry, but she didn’t have the will not to. She wasn’t as sobbing as before but tears still trickled.

A few moments of silence and grief was all Luna had before the door swung open with no warning, it was Nel with a sixteen year old looking girl in hand. Another person she had never seen before. Auburn hair that was cut up to her shoulders, blemish free face and pupils that were so big, they looked like doll’s eyes.

“Can’t you see I’m in the middle of something,” Luna said trying to weep out the tears of her eyes.

Nel rolled his eyes. “You keep an eye on her. Guard her like your life depends on it, because it is.” He said.

“Who is she anyway?” Luna’s eyes were red from crying, and the napkin from the table was damped with tears.

“She’s Eliza, Jenevere’s host.” Nel explained. “I need to go now,” without even waiting for a response, Nel closed the door leaving her with Eliza.

Luna was in trance. This was the very first time she met the host and she was astonishingly pretty. She looked exactly like Tin-tin except that she had auburn hair except for red.

“Why are you crying?” Eliza said in the most comforting way, like her voice was milk and honey flowing on Luna’s ears. “Somebody important died, isn’t it?”

Luna was so surprise the sobs stopped, something about her was so great that gave so much optimistic views in the room. Eliza touched Luna’s hand and in that moment, the sadness didn’t totally go away but something inside her felt light, like a nail was removed from her heart.

“Whoever he is, I’m sure he will be missed.” Eliza said.

Luna just stared, the host of the goddess was a delight to see, and for moments, none of the rampaging or the noise outside her room mattered. She felt safe within Eliza’s arm rather than Eliza being safe under hers.


1. Eliza - host of the goddess Jenevere and daughter of Tin-tin.

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