A Scor To Settle

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On a Monday I was at school playing soccer with my friends on the oval until Tiffany Anderson, a big boned girl in grade 10 sauntered on the field with her soccer socks held high just below her bulky, lumpy knees. Her mouth guard holding her teeth while letting the rest of her face mimicking of what an ape should look like, throwing her soccer ball above her head then snatching it from the air before it hit her face. I paced towards her, gripping Rose's soccer ball to my hips with my right arm leaning against it.

" Just in case you haven't noticed, it's the year 9's turn today on the field".

Tiffany was that tall comparing to me that she blocks out the sun once she stands in front of you.

" It's not against the rules to practice on the other side Turner!".

She answers back after she drops her ball on the grass allowing it to bounce twice and roll on my feet. Tiffany's hands were on her hips while she gave me a look just as if the sun was in her face, stopping her from opening her eyes properly causing them to squint and making her forehead wrinkly and flooding with lines.

" We're using the whole field, my team and I. You get it?"

I told her after I flicked my finger to her face. Her dark black eyes followed my finger go down like a hawk.

" Alright... Toddler".

Tiffany muttered. She bend over and picked her ball off my feet I had been ignoring, then sauntered away as her team made a path and room for her to walk.

" Toddler!?"

I echo holding Rose's soccer ball in both my hands.

" Well, you are smaller then all of the people in your team? Aren't you? Toddler, toddler, toddler, Turner is a toddler!"

Tiffany smirked. I pegged my ball on the ground diagonal from my body, I shot myself towards her without hesitating. Then plunged towards Tiffany causing her to plummet to the ground. I locked her shoulders to the ground while as I pined her in the dry dirt.

" GET OF ME!!!"

She squawked like a chicken about to get its head chopped off. But I ignore her cries for help and strike a punch to her nose. I threw more punches to her as she's trying to ram me off.

" Elizabeth Jade Turner! Get off her now!"

Mrs Roseanne heave me off Tiffany. I sat on the dirt panting and sweating, with my knees up, my arms behind my back supporting the rest of my body to balance.

" My office now!"

She says hiking Tiffany off the ground then sends her to the school nurse.

" Yes she is in my office right now Mr William Turner".

Mrs Roseanne kept her head downwards muttering on the phone to William, AKA he's my step dad. I, on the other hand was sitting on the soft, bronze, leather chair in Mrs Roseanne's office stroking the chair's arms with the tip of my fingers. Sitting with a vexed face and arms crossed, legs tight together, my whole body was tensed out of anger. Remembering the word "toddler" and the students laughing at me. It made me even more annoyed, and now my principle is calling my step dad and muttering away about me. Half the time I wasn't listening to her. "Toddler" was flooding my mind.

" Your father is coming now Elizabeth".

" It's Lizzy".

I corrected and gave her a smart ass smile. Principle Roseanne sighed and returned to writing some more notes. I returned a sigh back to her as rolling my eyes across the whole room.

We wait for about 15 minutes for William to come. I was death staring Mrs Roseanne while she had no attention on me. A small amount of dirt marred my left cheek. My knees grazed without any pain. I guess the anger build up inside me had taken over the pain I was meant to feel. 

" I'm sorry I'm late".

My William rushed in the office and took a seat next to me, crossing his legs, frowning, still in his professional work suit. He didn't take one look at me.

" Elizabeth is expelled from this school. She got into a fight with a girl in grade 10 and broke Tiffany Anderson's nose, and as of yet, we haven't been able to shop the bleeding".

Roseanne stated looking at me really disappointed. I raised my arms with my jaw drooped.

" Can I at least explain!?"

I urged.

" No you can not!"

She levelled her pen to my dark brown eyes. As the pen met my eyes they widen.

" She has been calling me a toddler since we knew each other".

I declared. I saw William's face and he was so disappointed with what I did to Tiffany, but I didn't regret one punch to the nose.

" I don't want to hear another word from you, your behaviour in class and towards me and the teachers are pathetic and disgusting. I don't want a student like you putting down this school. Now go!"

She sent me and my out pointing her pen to the door leaning above her desk, looking me in the eyes with that evil look anyone could give anyone. I lifted myself off the chair as my body was sunk into it then I walked out with William without taking my eyes off her.

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