Second Day At HillCliff

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I wake up to expect to see the sun or my pool outside. But instead I wake up to an undecorated, unadorned, basic white wall.

" Wake up Elizabeth".

I feel Katie's bony skinny fingers grip my shoulder as she's shaking it causing my whole body to shake.

" No! Go away!"

I complain. Katie insists and continues, soon Ruby joins in.

" Come on Elizabeth! Wake up before Matron Kiki comes in!"

Both, woken up, girls shout to me.

" Whose this Matron Kiki?"

I ask lifting myself restlessly. My bottom of my eyes were baggy, the light rays from the light bulb shot into my eyes.

" She's like a guard dog for Professor Jarrett. She will target you, then hunt you down until you bow down to her".

Katie was getting intense and really into her theory of this Matron Kiki.

" I don't have a uniform".

I confirm then pulls the covers over my body and go back to sleep. I suddenly feel the blankets thrown off me, the cold breeze rush through my used to be warm body and freezes me.

" The sun isn't even up! Get lost".

It was cloudy as grey outside. I'm only used to the sun waking me up.

" Elizabeth please. Put on your uniform or you'll get more detentions!"

What Ruby told me made me shoot right up.

" I don't have a uniform".

I tell them with my still tired voice.

" Here".

Katie gives me the correct uniform and throws it on my bed. I rub my eyes and yawn at the same time.

" Where's Candice?"

I say to myself as the girls give me privacy to get changed.

I shrug my shoulders not really caring.

" Morning ladies and gentlemen".

Professor Jarrett marches in the dinning room. The tables are long, polished wood and thick. There's 7 rows for all the girls from grade 1 to 7. Same with the boys, from grade 1 to 7. Grade one represents the 11 year olds, grade 2, the 12 year olds, 3, the 13 year olds, grade 4, the 14 year old, and so on. But I on the other hand is in grade 5, I'm actually in grade 10 but you know what happened. So in this school I'm grade 5. The walls her grey brick and bet unattractive.

" Hello future husband".

Katie says dreamily as gazing her big wide blue upon a boy with sandy blonde hair, bright blue eyes. He and Edward resembles each other.

" He is so dreamy".

Ruby maintains as both stare at him. I find him a bit handsome, but no where near my type.

" Who's that?"

I ask as we all stand behind our dining chairs waiting for Jarrett to sit us down.

" You haven't lived he-".

Just before Katie could complete what she was going to tell me Professor Jarrett announces us all to sit and feast.

The girls pass a full plate with what looks like a glump of meat and blood grinned together, rotted squash above the grinned meat an peas that's been soaked with hot boiled water and chewed up by wild dogs then thrown back up on the same plate.

" What is this?"

I point with a disgusted look after I get my meal placed in front of me.

" It's your breakfast".

Ruby answers back simply.

" This place is so poor".

I complain while roaming my eyes around the roof inside.

While the students are feasting on their sickening, revolting, off putting, foul and nasty meal, I refused to eat and sat their watching those boys and girls eat politely.

After a few minutes I have the feeling to search for Edward. My eyes roamed the whole dinning room, seeing the professors chuckling, the male's table.  throwing food across the table while others were catching it with their mouths. The female's table were very polite and decent. All of a sudden my eyes pass Edward's face then shift quickly to him again.

" He seems so sweet?"

I think to myself as my head tilted. I watch Edward eat without him noticing me. I didn't catch any feelings for him, but he just seems like a good person to be around with.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2015 ⏰

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