At Hogwarts(HillCliff School)

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William and I caught a plane to London for HillCliff.

" Stop strutting William".

I smirked trying to annoy the hell out of him while it was dull moment.

" Get in the car please Lizzy".

William opened the black limo's car door, extending from the door to the car I crouched down and crawled inside. He came in after me and sat across from me.

" Is this on the country side?"

I wined as I was observing the green trees, fields, cows, sheep, horses and farms.

" Best place to change a person like you Lizzy".

He looks at with his hands folded together and legs crossed.

" Whatever William. No one can change me the way I am".

I sighed and continued to stare out into the cloudy, grey clouds.

" I wish Luke was here instead of you".

I explored his body quickly and gave William even more attitude. I was expecting sighs and rolled eyes, but this time he proceeds to gaze out the dark tinted windows.

" That's great William. Don't talk to me on the last day you'll see me".

" No Lizzy please. I don't want to fight".

He rises his hand up, I follow it. All his doing is twitching it around and flicking it, like when your showing your dog to sit down. You use hand movement.

" Is this it?"

I pointed out the window and see a bricked building.

" It looks like nature has taken over it William. Why here? Really?"

" You'll be fine sweetheart".

He swung his hand to my shoulder and gently rest it there. I turn my head slowly with the grimmest on my face as I feel his hand rest on my shoulder.

" Come one Lizzy. You'll love it here. Look there's plenty kids here for you to meet new friends".

" Umm no William, I already have a best friend. Besides I'm not staying here for the rest of my school life".

I use my one of my finger's and thumb to pick up one of his finger's to take his hand of my shoulder and let it drop down by his side.

" Ok, I'm sorry William. Please take me home".

I beg him after taking another look at the school and mostly uniforms.

" No, we came all this way to bring you here. We can't just go back".

He insisted.

" Here comes Professor Jarrett. Be nice and no smart ass".

William put both his hands on my shoulders and looks me in the eyes. My eyes meet back with his bright blue eyes.

" Yea whatever".

I finish.

" Hello Mr Turner and Elizabeth".

She holds her hand out for a kind hand shake. I take a look at her hand and look back at her face with disgust.

" I'll pass".

I smile. Once again, William sighed and apologised for my behaviour towards her. I see her as just another teacher who is trying to get to know me.

" Look lady, I've been through this before. I know what your trying to do to me, your going to try and get to know me and blah blah blah".

I wave me hand shaped in a mouth position moving it about.

" Rule 1 Elizabeth. Don't talk over the head mistress".

She pointed her finger in my face with a kind smile but then again a look of "don't underestimate me". Her smile was vaguely familiar.

" O-".

" Nope, rule number 1?"

She ask. I look at her with my head tilted a little, hip to the side, arms crossed and eyes wide open.

" I can't talk sorry. You said so".

I finish. I see William roll his eyes again and gasp.

" Detention tomorrow Elizabeth".

She tells me frowning a bit.

" Oh so that's how you welcome new students? Straight away gives them a detention?"

I actually don't really care, I'm just trying to get out of the school.

" Who wants to come to this hellhole anyway?".

" Can I please talk to your father while you talk to arrr-".

Jarrett beckoned a girl with dark brown hair that was just below her neck, bright green eyes and the uniform of a black skirt, dark blue girl's neck tie, paper white buttoned up shirt with sleeves over your elbows, socks held hight under her knees, shoes of a little girl with straps over the top of your feet.

" Who's she?"

I mutter with a dirty look as exploring her uniform.

" Candice Bay is helping you to fit in the school, she's your roommate".

Professor Jarrett tugs her vest proudly as Candice is ambling towards us, grinning yet at the same time smiling while she nods her head to those who greet her.

" Hello Elizabeth".

She flicks her palm up for a kind hand shake while William and Jarrett are chatting away.

" Look, I don't need anyone by my side. And btw you have something in your hair".

I spot something that looks like a bird seed. Candice rises her hand towards her head then picks out the seeds and flicks to the grass. Both I and her don't say a word to each other. Until William breaks it and tells me-,

" Ok Lizzy. I have to go now. Please don't get into any fights".

I roll my eyes as William embraces towards me. Suddenly I have the urge to wrap my arms around him, so I go for it. He then rises up, still gripping onto me as I'm gripping into him. I guess I will miss William, no one to roll their eyes at what I say, no one to sigh at the fact I'm calling them by their first name, no one to annoy...

William places me on the ground then inside the car he goes.

I don't wave my hand as I see him waving his hand out the window. After all he did put me in this school.

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