Sevral led to love

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**Daniel's POV**

"Awh c'mon Danny it's only a little beer you'll be alright" dean my old friend said.

"Nah man I gotta get back to class I'm already in trouble with this teacher" I explained

"Aww is little danny scared of a little beer" he said as if he was talking to a baby.

"NO" I shouted as I picked up the bottle.

"Drink it in one" he ordered

"Danny that's not a good idea mate" mark and glen chorused

"What's one bottle gonna do to me" I questioned before downing the beer in one.

"There was that so hard? Dan" dean said annoyingly.

One bottle led to another then another then another and this kept going until mark and glen dragged me out of the bar and back to school. I could barely walk and my speech was slurred. They got me back to school and I felt like trash. i sat in my seat just as the teacher walked in.

~half an hour later~

The teacher asked me a question and I opened my mouth to answer but I ended up spewing on the teacher. I just looked up at him and tried to smile and he pointed to the door so I got up and walked out of class

"Does anyone want to escort Daniel down to first aid?" Mr cross asked. Jessie's hand shot up and she started to walk with me to the nurse.

**jessies POV**

I felt a lot more confident now that I had no braces. So when the teacher asked someone to take dan to the nurse I volunteered.

Walking down to first aid witch was situated on the third floor of the second building wasn't as awkward as I thought. I was just chatting away to Danny. As he threw his guts up into a bucket on the second floor I was standing patting his back. He must of liked it because the next thing I know his soft lips are on mine and he's pushing me against the wall


Sorry it's short but quite a lot happened I'm hoping to get another update tonight!

Tough Love [COMPLETE]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ