Dont do this

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**Some self harm**

Jessie's POV*

"They've been happening for a while now" He stutters through tears then He pulls me into his room.

It's a tip! I was in hear two nights ago and it was spotless but now...there's boxers and clothes on the floor, cans of beer and bottles of whiskey everywhere, the curtains are closed, all the lights are off, the beds not made and it smells of smoke.

"Dan..have you been smoking?"



His eyes are closed...."NO!" He screams.

I run over and shake him. 

He wakes up breathing fast.


"I'll tell you later...I need to be alone" he breathes out.

"Okay..." I kiss him on the cheek then go.

Danny's POV*

~three nights ago~

Jess is out shopping with her mam and mark and glen are on holiday with their family...Im alone. My phone beeps and it's a tweet!!! I unlock it then read the tweet..."@danny_o'donoghue. I wish you would go and kill yourself! No one likes you and you and your 'band' are crap. In fact you mr I dunno don't deserve a girl as good as jess." I had tears in my eyes reading that what made it worse are the comments..."omg I'm not the only one who thinks he's a crap singer!!! Yayyyyy" "Yeah I think he should kill himself...prefebly soon so we don't have te hear his voice again." 

And they carried on like that I felt so low I just went and lay on my bed then had the urge for a fag...why? I haven't smoked in three years! But I need one to calm me down...I run to the shop I'm the freezing rain to get a pack if fags before grabbing beer,whiskey and sleeping pills from the shelves, paying then bolting back to Jessie's house then hiding the items in my bedside drawer. 

The tweets continued.


Jess left my room and I pulled a knife out of my bedside drawer. I lifted the knife and pushed it into the skin on my wrist in a neat line six times and my arm was bleeding like hell...I just let it bleed...I couldn't care less. I did the same to the other wrist before lighting a fag.

I finish my fag then i hear a knock at the door.."Dan can i come in?" shit. its Jessie. "Ummm two seconds wearing clothes!" damn it Danny.  I need to thik fast..i cant let her see me like this! i change my t-shirt and pull on a she cant see the blood. Then i quickly hide the fags under my bed just as she comes in.

"Why are you wearing a jacket?" she asks pulling the curtin open.

" cold"

"take it off Dan you dont need it" she pulls it off and the bloods seeping through my t-shirt.

"Daniel!?...are you...cutting...?" she sounded shocked.


"Why??"she sounds angry.

"i can explain.." i feel dizzy wait..whats going on where am i?!


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