Stage 2

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Elise was forced awake by a sudden influx of light into her room and over her face. She had heard someone in her room during her slumber but had dismissed it since she didn't feel an immediate threat. Irritated, she flipped onto all fours and growled, her eyes still closed from sleep, and suddenly decided the sun was a threat. She heard amused laughter not far away and it pissed her off. Rubbing her face into her upper arm, Elise grumbled about privacy.

"Get up, sleepyhead," Ivy's voice murmured.

Elise finally opened her eyes and sat back on her heels, having expected Cav's voice. Then she remembered that she wasn't home, her real home, anymore. "What? What do you want? What time is it? Why did you wake me up?"

"Get up. Get ready. We've got places to be."

"What?" Elise unceremoniously toppled off of her bed and stretched her limbs on the floor. "Where? And why?"

Ivy watched Elise stretch, hearing Elise's bones crack. "You're my Host. It's your job to protect me. I'm leaving, so you're coming with me."

"I don't have to do that. I think you'll be fine taking care of a few errands. You can call me if you really need me. Besides, don't I get a day to, I don't know, adjust to my new surroundings?"

"No. You're coming with me or I'm calling your representative and telling him you're not fit for life beside humans."

Elise stood and glared at Ivy. That was a threat, a terrible, terrible threat. One that made Elise feel unsafe in her new environment. "Are you serious?"

"Dead serious. Now hurry up and get dressed." Ivy walked out of the room and shut the door behind her.

Sighing, Elise slipped on the jeans she was wearing the night before and grabbed any old shirt she could get her hands on. There was a tear in the collar but she didn't care. She tugged on a pair of boots with numerous buckles, then tied her hair up. She was too lazy to spike it up, not this early in the morning. Opening her door, Elise found Ivy standing just beyond it, waiting.

"Are you always this creepy?" Elise snorted and pushed passed Ivy to get to the bathroom. She wanted to wash her face and brush her teeth. When she was finished, Ivy was still waiting close by, quiet as a mouse. Elise growled but Ivy wasn't put off. Ivy merely raised an eyebrow to ask whether or not Elise was finished getting ready. Elise waved her hand for Ivy to lead the way out of the house and to whatever transportation they would take.

"Breakfast," Ivy said as she started up her car.

Elise plopped down in the passengers seat and kicked her feet up onto the dashboard. Not taking her eyes off the path in front of her, Ivy pushed Elise's feet down with a firm hand. Elise accepted the silent denial, then slid down her seat and crossed her arms over chest, not noticing that Ivy was smiling at seeing her look like a petulant child. With Elise kept in check, Ivy adjusted her rearview mirror then drove off. Elise remained silent the whole drive, wondering what 'breakfast' was. Breakfast could have easily been had at home. Ivy didn't need to threaten Elise to go get breakfast. What was that all about?

Elise peered out of the window, her low seated position only letting the top of her head able to be seen from the outside, and tried to calculate where they were and what possible destination they were aiming for. She guessed that they were heading into the seedier areas of the city based on the change in background noise she was hearing. The change of scenery from newer buildings to graffiti infested ones solidified Elise's theory. She turned to Ivy.

"It's before noon and we're heading into battle country. Can I know where we're going now? I'd like to be prepared if I'm going to be jumped by thugs."

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