Chapter 1

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“And we would like to thank you all for coming!” said Harry basically screaming into the microphone just to be heard over the waves of screaming fans. We went backstage, meeting Paul our manager.

“Great show boys! You killed it out there! Portugal loves you!”

We all looked at each other devilishly. Of course I was the one who had to ask so I went up to Paul and tapped him on the shoulder.

“Paul?” he quickly turned around and faced me.

“Yes Niall”. I started to get nervous, I don't know why I would, I'm Niall Horan for Christ sake!

“ Do you mind if we can go sightseeing for a while, go walk on the streets, go to the castles, you know, TRY THE FOOD!” my eyes got big when I said that last part. I studied his face for awhile while he thought.

He let out a sigh and said “ I don't see why not.” I quickly turned around facing the boys giving them the thumbs up. They all cheered and jumped around.

“Thanks Pauly!” I said while giving him a pat on the back.


After the show we went out to go eat. Yay, my favorite thing to do, specially Portuguese food! Its just like Nandos!

The next morning we decided to go look around and visit some landmarks and castles. I got to pick, I chose this place that was called queluz palace? It seemed interesting, plus it was in a quiet area of Portugal so we wouldn't be bothered much by the fans. I’m not saying I don't love my fans, because I do love them! Its just that sometimes its nice having some alone time with the boys, and catching up on things. Ya know?

"UGH, are we there yet?” asked Louis.

“5 more minutes and we’re there. Ok?” I said with much annoyance in my voice. He asked that question probably 6 times in the last 20 minutes.


We pulled up to this beautiful yellow palace, it reminded me of the Buckingham palace back in london. Once we got in, we all pretty much split up. Harry and Louis went to the gift shop, Liam went to the different rooms and explored, and Zayn went to the ballroom. Me, I went outside to the gardens. Alone. But it was ok with me, I can enjoy the view instead of listening to Louis whining about his feet hurting and Zayn wanting to go to the bathroom 24/7 to check up on his appearance.

It was worth going alone because, it was the most beautiful sight I have seen for a long time. The was air was a mixture of mouth watering smells. The scent of oranges, lemons, and figs from the royal orchards. Damn it, I'm hungry.

I started to walk over to the maze, then all of a sudden, like a flash of lightning, a huge group of screaming girls stampeded over toward me. All I could do was run. But where? So I ran right into the maze making every turn I could. I ran for a bit luckily not running into any dead ends. I didn't hear the screaming anymore so there was no need for running. Great. I was lost. I was walking around the next corner when I bumped into someone. The books in her hands fell as well as the pencils she was holding.

“I'm so sorry!” I said while picking up the books. She tried to pick them up herself but I gently pushed her hands away and said “No need to bother with it, I got it.”

When I looked up at her, I was speechless. The way the sun hit her face and her beautiful brown hair flowing with the gentle breeze was enough to get my heart soaring. Her eyes were mesmerizing. They were the prettiest eyes i've ever seen, It was an alluring shade of hazel, which made her stand out. She was simply stunning. As I was getting up I flipped through a couple of the pages in what seemed as her notebook, until she snatched it out of my hand.

“Sorry, it’s just that I’m not comfortable with people seeing these.” She spoke up. I was surprised that she was an American.

“Its ok love. My name is Niall! You know, from One Direction.” I said while putting out my hand to shake hers. I completely dismissed the notebook thing, its not mine to reveal. I had no problem with that.

“Hi, I’m Julia. I’m sorry but I don't know any One Direction.” she said questionably. I was shocked by her answer. Who doesn't know One Direction? The richest and most popular boy band there is.

“How do you not know who I am, or the band?” I think she could tell I was getting suspecious.

She started to blush and get very shy, “I don't have many friends since I recently moved here and my grandmother doesn't own a tv.” she stated.

I was completely flabbergasted, “What do you do all day?” I spoke up.

She looked to the ground and mumbled, “I draw.” I noticed that she was blushing and wasn't making eye contact.


Me and Julia talked for what seemed like hours but was really just about 30 minutes. During the time we talked about ourselves, well I mostly wanted to know about her, so I had her keep talking. She told me that she was an American and she had lived in New Jersey. She also told me that she was just staying here for a couple of days to just look after her great grandmother while her aunt was on vacation. Julia and I walked around in the maze, until we both suddenly stopped and looked at each other, a flash of worry came upon both of our faces. Then a question popped in both of our heads. Where the hell are we? She rummaged through her purse until she found a brochure with a picture of the palace. I furrowed my eyes toward the brochure that she had in her hand then looking back at her.

“I hope you know what all that means.” I said noticing the brochure was totally in Portuguese.

“Of course I know what it means, its just that-” she said then trailing off and focusing on the map. She continued, “I have no idea where we are, we’re next to the Neptune fountain right? Or is it the fountain with the guy with the big fish lips?” She looked up and spun around looking at her surroundings, while she fiddled around with the map, turning it in all directions to get a better look.

“Oh god, we’re lost. Aren't we?” I said with a smirk. She looked up at me with defeat. She looked absolutely adorable. All I could think in my head was just how beautiful she was. My mind and mouth spoke for itself without my control and I accidentally slipped out a simple murmur enough for her to hear, “I’m glad I’m lost here with you.”


Jumping Jack Flash By: The Rolling Stones. Love em! Oh and I imagined this playing when they were like in the car maybe? And Nialler cuz he's just so adorable

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