Chapter 6

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“Hi, would you like to buy Golden Insurance?!” said the perky saleswoman.

“Umm no.”

“Well, if you act now yo-” I hung up.

Stupid telemarketers. They’re always blowin up my phone. I connected my charger into the phone and rested it on my side table. I drifted off to my wonderful slumber.

I opened my eyes, only I wasn’t in my room anymore. I was in this huge room with stone walls and floors. I also had a huge balcony that overlooked mountains and a lake.  There were flowers everywhere. The sweet scent of the atmosphere sent my mind through a journey of bliss and happiness. Wow, this is a weird dream. I looked down to see that I apparently made a wardrobe change. Instead of my oversized t-shirt, I was wearing a big ball gown. It had blues and purples in it. I feel like a princess. I felt two muscular arms wrap around my waist; a wave of security and warmth washed down me. I felt so safe in his arms. But who exactly is holding me? The unknown man nuzzled his face in my neck leaving a trail of kisses. Pleasure and electricity shot up inside me every time his lips came in contact with my neck.

“I love you.” his thick irish accent sent a chill down my spine. It sounded so familiar, I just can’t remember who. I slowly turned to face the man. My eyes widened.


“Yes my beloved, come, we must tend the party.”

“What’s the occasion?”

“Why, it’s our little Wilson's birthday party!”

“Wilson? Who’s Wilson?”

“Love, are you feeling alright? Wilson is our son.”


All of a sudden I fell to the grown; Niall was calling my name but it sounded like it was fading and going farther and farther away from me like if he was going down a tunnel. The room started to cave in and start to disappear, then there was a bright, blinding light. I shot my eyes open and looked around. I was in my regular room again, it was just a dream. I wished it could have lasted a bit more, I liked the feeling of his arms around me. WAIT, NO. IT WAS A TERRIBLE DREAM! NOPE, I HATED IT! I tried to fall asleep again, but it just wouldn’t happen. So I decided to go for a run. I know it’s not the safest of neighborhoods, but I’ll bring pepper spray with me just incase. Plus it’s like 5:30 AM, nothing bad really happens right? I put on my Victoria Secrets vogas, a pink hoodie, and my NIKE running shoes. I walked out of the building and started my run. I was turning the corner of the street when dozens of people with cameras ambushed me. They kept shouting at me and flashing their cameras, this was all overwhelming. I’m guessing these are paparazzi. What do they want with me? I couldn’t understand what some were saying, but I could make out some questions.



“IS IT TRUE YOU’RE PREGNANT WITH HIS CHILD!?” where did that question come from!? I didn’t know what to do, so I just answered them.

“No I’m not dating him, I’m not seeing him at all, AND I’M MOST DEFINITELY NOT PREGNANT WITH HIS CHILD!” video cameras appeared and started to tape me. I started to get uncomfortable with all these cameras in my face.


Ok these people are pissing me off. “First off, the names Julia, dickhead; and we’re not getting married! Please, just leave me alone!”

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