Chapter 2

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I felt really embarrassed about that. I can't believe that slipped out of my mouth. I looked at her intently, searching for her reaction. She looked at the ground as her cheeks filled with red. Almost reading my mind and understanding my embarrassment, she softly spoke up with her angelic voice.

“Its ok, I’m glad I’m lost here with you too.” she said giving me a sympathetic and reassuring smile. That smile of hers made me feel warm and tingly inside. No one has ever put me in this kind of effect before. She is something special.


A hour or two past and all we really were doing was just talking and getting to know each other better. *Gurgle gurgle* My stomach roared, aching of hunger. Julia started to giggle, it was so cute. Hell she was cute.

“Hungry?” she said still very much giggling.

“UGHHH I THINK I'M GOING TO DIE!” I said over exaggerating.

“Haha, Niall you're not going to die. I won't let it happen.” she said that so sincerely. All I wanted to do at that moment was to just kiss her. She dug through her purse again pulling out cookies. My eyes got wide as she handed them to me. I thanked her and started gobbling them down. These had to be the best cookies I ever had, they were the perfect amount of salty and sweet.

“I’m guessing you really like them?” she asked with a grin.

I could only imagine what I looked like. A savage beast probably. So I cleaned myself up a bit and gulped down the piece of cookie in my mouth. I realised that I wasn't sharing. What a jerk I am! I gave her the last cookie. Yes, Niall Horan, the one who never shares his food gave his last cookie to a girl he just met 3 hours ago. What’s happening to me? This effect she has is growing stronger and stronger. I have to make a move soon, I don't want to lose her and probably never be able to see her again. But how? And when. We walked for a bit more until we stopped at a clearing. We both looked at each other with joy.

“We’re out!” I shouted.

I turned to Julia who was also cheering away. I picked her up and hugged her while I spun her around. I stopped spinning and we just looked at each other for a moment, then I slowly released her. Her body slid down between my arms. As our noses brushed, the tension and the urge to kiss her was growing inside me, wanting to be let out. As I leaned in to kiss her we were interrupted by a cough, it got our attention. We both swerved our heads toward the sound. There standing were the boys and two security guards. All of them had their eyes wide open in shock. Harry just looked at me with an impressed look on his face. What was that supposed to mean? I shot him back a glare like if I were telling him to cut it out. He just chuckled and broke the silence.

“I guess Niall got himself a girlfriend while we were gone.” He said teasing me.

“Oh shut up Harry! Mind your own business!” I said rather protectively. I don't want him to scare off Julia, she’s very special to me. She moved behind me putting her face in the palms of her hands, cursing under her breath. She shot right back up and started to walk away slowly.

“I’m sorry, I think I should go now. I think I’m due back home.” She said letting out a nervous laugh. She turned to continue walking away but I ran to her and grabbed her hand, stopping her in her tracks. She turned to me.

“Please. You don’t have to go.” She looked down. “How about I take you to dinner? Sounds good?” I begged.

She hesitated before giving me her answer, “Ok, fine” her face lit up in a smile, as well as mine.

I kissed her on the cheek and watched her cheeks fill with colour. I looked back at the guys who were awing and cooing at us. I gave them a stare.

“Need a ride home?” I asked gesturing over to the exit. She hesitated again before nodding her head signaling a yes.

We walked over to my car that was waiting for us at the front entrance. I noticed the lack of paparazzi, it was strange. Specially after our little run in with the herd of girls that came after me. But never mind that, I’m with a beautiful girl.

***Julia’s P.O.V.***

I don’t know what just happend. First I was minding my own business, doing my assignment that was due in two days, crap, that reminded me, I got to finish that. Ok, you're getting off the subject, but then I almost kissed some guy that I just met 3 hours ago in front of his friends! Now I’m going in his car! What’s gotten into me? I never act this way. Specially around people. I never really fell for a guy like this. Wait, what? Am I falling for him? I’m not saying I don't like him, because I really do! He sets my heart soaring every time he smiles, and he is so adorable when he eats like a maniac. His eyes are like an endless ocean of purity and refinement. Just thinking about him makes my limbs go numb and releases butterflies in my stomach.

“I live right over there” I said pointing out a rundown apartment.

There was kids playing football at the playground located in the central area of the apartment complex. Some teenagers were walking on the sidewalks while some were sitting on the hoods of cars smoking whatever. Today they were smoking regular cigarettes, thank god. I didn’t want them to frighten Niall off and make him regret asking me out. Yes my neighborhood is creepy, almost everyday someone is getting arrested for either burglary or possession of drugs, mainly pot. Just yesterday the police had a drug raid and pulled out tons of drugs from the neighboring apartment building. Only god knows how many gangs hang out here. It’s not safe for me or my grandmother to be living here. I don’t know why my aunt would keep her in this place. Its dangerous and I’m worried for their safety.Niall’s jaw tensed and then he gave me a concerned look which I dismissed.

“I’m walking you to your flat.” He said sternly.

Before I could say anything else he got out of the car and ran to my side and helped me out. I took my keys out of my purse and put them in the lock, and we walked into the lobby. The manager of the building was sitting at his desk with his eyes glued to the TV watching a football match. He was completely ignoring the stack of paperwork that he had piled up high on his desk. The room smelled of stale coffee and rotten eggs, he was a pig. A fat one too.

“Are you sure you're going to be alright?” He asked.

“I’m going to be fine.” I put my hand on his cheek, he relaxed his jaw, but he still was giving me a troubled look. “Don't worry!”

We turned and started to walk the opposite directions. Until Niall called out for me, he jogged up to me, “Uh- Can I have your number? So I can text you when i'm coming to pick you up.”

“Yea, of course!” I said while walking over to the desk and writing my number on a sticky note and handing it to him.

“Thanks” he said. We both nodded our heads and turned and walked in the opposite directions again.

“Julia!” I turned to face him as he called me once again. What did he forget now?

“I care about you. I really do.” He said in a sincere tone.

No one has ever said that to me. Not ever. I walked over to him and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek.

“I care about you too” I said smiling at him.


Olly Murs cuz you can't have enough of Olly! AND OH MY GOD NIALL EATS THE WHOLE PRINGLE IN ONE BITE, LOL I DO THAT!! Remember kids, he's single as a pringle! See what I did there.. haha no... it's not a cookie but who gives a duck?!

Ok vote, follow, do whatever... ok ily

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