Chapter 8

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“Nope!” She simply said, un-wrapping her arms around my neck, then skipping off to go put some antiques on the shelf.

“You tease!” she gave me a wink. “What time do you get off work?”

“In like, an hour. Why?”

“I’ll give you a ride home.”

“No Niall, you’ve done me too many favours. I’ll just take a taxi home.”

“Well, ok.” I lied. Of course I’m going to pick her up!


***Julia’s P.O.V.***

My shift was over, and I gathered my things and locked the shop door behind me. I plugged my headphones and started listening to Eleanor Rigby by The Beatles. I walked over to the curb and waved my hand in the air for a taxi. A taxi didn’t come. A big black Range Rover did. Niall. He pulled over next to me and pulled down his window.

“Hey babe.”

“You didn’t have to.”

“Ahh, But I wanted to. C’mon get in.” I opened the door and got inside.

“What are you listening to?” he gestured to my ipod.

“Oh, um, Eleanor Rigby.”

“The Beatles! You like em?”


“I would have never guessed. What else do you like?”

“Well, The Doors, Rolling Stones, Bon Jovi, The Beatles, Coldplay, U2, The Killers, The Script, Oasis, Ed Sheeran, The Fray, Little Mix, Foster the People, MGMT, Beach Boys, and the occasional 30 seconds to Mars. Stuff like that.”

“Your musical taste is very unique, just like you. You’re going to get along real well with the rest of the guys." I blushed. He thought I was unique?

He pulled over to park in a spot right next to the door. I looked over to thank him but his jaw was clenched tight and had his attention focused on the three men smoking cigarettes. I recognized these men; they were apart of that gang that hangs around here. “Thanks for the ride Niall, bye.”

“How about I just walk you inside.” I’m not going to argue with him cause I always lose anyway. I was just about to buzz myself in when I heard whistles coming from the three men.

“Ay menina, your ass looks so fine in those tight pants. I just wanna-” He was cut off by a very pissed off Niall.

“Could you shut the fuck up and take a step back before I connect my fist into your face.” He said affirmatively. This protective side of Niall is pretty hot. He sounds like a Power Ranger.

“The fuck you say little blonde fag?”

“You heard me. So. Fuck. Off.” He said through his clenched teeth.

“You hear that guys? I think he wants trouble.” he said stepping up into Niall’s face. I quickly buzzed in and opened the door, grabbing Niall by the arm and dragged him inside before anything could happen.

“Sorry not today!” I yelled out.

“You guys are pussies!” thats all we heard before the door slammed shut.

“Thanks for- um, defending me.”

“No need for a thank you. Guys shouldn’t treat a girl like a dog. “

“Yea. I gotta go, my grandmother must be worried sick about me.”

“How is your grandmother by the way?”

“She’s good!”

“I would like to meet her one day.” He’s joking, right?

“Haha suree.”

“No, really.” Oh my god, he’s serious.

“Um, ok. Well do you want to come up?”


We took the small elevator up. When I say small, I mean SMALL. There was no room at all. I was squished into him so awkwardly; my hip kept hitting his, well, you know. The doors swung open and I took my chance to run out.

“Do I smell that bad?” He said chuckling. I opened the door letting him into the foyer.

“Gram! I’m home! I also brought a friend.”

“Is it that Niall fellow?”

“Actually yes.” We walked into the living room where she was sitting in her chair reading her book. “Gram, Niall. Niall, Gram.”

“It’s so nice to finally meet you sweetheart!” she exclaimed.

“And it’s a pleasure to meet you madam. Julia tells me so much about you!”

“Hopefully good things?”

“Of course! Only the best!”

“You know, Julia. You snagged yourself a good one!”


“But it’s true! You sir are a very attractive young man.” she told Niall.

“Thank you madam.”

“Please call me Loris.”

“Will do. Do you need any help at all?” he actually cares?

“No I’m fine, but thank you.”

“It’s getting pretty late, maybe you should go.” I said.

“Yea, its already dark. The guys might get worried.”

“Ok, let me just change into something comfortable and I’ll walk you down.”


***Niall’s P.O.V.***

“Niall!” Julia yelled. I ran into her room and saw her on the balcony looking down. I could hear the faint sound of yelling and shouting. “How did they find us? Stupid question, don’t answer that.” I looked down to see hundreds of screaming photographers surrounding my car.

“Oh god. Don’t think I’ll be getting to the hotel anytime soon.”

“You might just have to stay the night then. Do you mind?”


I'm really sorry that it's short :(  and it's NOT EDITED SO DONT YELL AT ME

Ok if you didn't know the song Eleanor Rigby its on the side over there, and a gif of beautiful Niall :DD

QOTD: What is your favourite Beatles song? If you don't like The Beatles (you belong in a mental hospital if you don't like The Beatles) then tell me what your favourite song is from any other band. :)

ily <3

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