Grace Finn.

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He stood crookedly at a safe distance. Watching, staring. For a moment, the little boy with thin black hair and pale skin reminded Oswald of himself. When things were simple, and he was young. The boy stood up and hugged the girl before running off to continue splashing in puddles with his friends. She helped him when he fell and scraped his knee, reminding Oswald of his mother. A small smile spread across his face, hidden by the comfortable shadow of his umbrella. He watched as the girl stood, smiling at the boy before continuing in the direction of her destination. Every fiber in Oswald's body told him to turn away and forget this but some unknown force urged him to follow the girl.


Hello! I've just started writing this story and I'm so excited for everyone who reads it to see how it unfolds! Please leave comments and what you like/dislike about it! ☺

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