Furniture Can Spark Many Different Feelings.

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Grace changed positions for about the seventh time, unable to sleep. Her mind was still trying to process how close she was to that strange man. She couldn't take it anymore. With a distressed sigh, she pulled herself out of bed and started walking towards the kitchen. She thought of Oswald sleeping soundly as she passed her small, green couch. Odd. She though. It's almost like I want him here. Grace had never felt this before, about anybody. She'd always though she'd spend her life fighting against the man and become a famous painter but, Oswald was sure gonna change that.

- author's note -

Hello! Sorry for not updating in so long, I've been VERY busy with moving. But, I'm here now and I'm writing like crazy! More to come later this week!

Petrichor (Oswald Cobblepot)Where stories live. Discover now