You have reached the voicemail box of...

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Oswald and Grace spent the majority of the week exchanging awkward glances. Oswald was thinking of what to say because this was a completely new situation and Grace was thinking of what he'd say, going over all the worst and best things that come out of his mouth the next time they talked.

On Saturday, Oswald mustered up the courage to call Grace, she didn't pick up because she was on the phone with a friend but he though she was avoiding him. So, he did the only other thing he new to do...spill his heart out in a voicemail.

- author's note -


Sorry for the short chapter...I have a bunch of stuff to do and this popped in my head as I was scrolling through Doctor Who edits on Tumblr. Anyways...


What are some things YOU want to see happen between Grace and Oswald? I want to make this story the best it can be so knowing what the readers want so I can build off your perfect scenarios seems appropriate! Comment or message your responses, and expect to see them in further chapters! And you will be credited of course!

xx - Hannah

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