Chapter Two

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Niall's POV

I said goodbye to Louis as I walked out the door to go to work. We had a long talk about what Zayn has done, and he isn't so appealing anymore.

I got into my ( YOU CHOOSE WHAT TYPE OF CAR IDK ) and started the engine. I backed out of the small driveway and drove toward the shop. As I drove, I got paranoid and thought I saw Zayn heading down the road that the shop was on. I shook my head and looked away, and when I looked back he was gone. I sighed loudly knowing this was going to happen all day.

When I arrived at the shop, I immediately headed to the back to take out some of the more expensive guitars. I placed them in the front of the store, a place the customers and I can see them. I heard the small bell on top of the door ring, so I looked over and began to greet them.

"Hi, welcome to-" I stopped myself as soon as I saw the towering male.

"Your little boyfriend really fucked up my nose, twat." Jackson spat. He was alone, and my other co-workers didn't get here until 12:00 on Saturdays, while I had to come in at 9:00.

"Could I please ask you to leave the store, sir?" I faked a good attitude.

"Shut up, slut. Did Zayn give that to you?" He laughed, pointing to my neck. I slowly nodded.

"How do you know his name?" I asked.

" do you not? He's the only one in this town that's been on the news more than once. Everyone knows him." He looked at me like I was stupid.

"Jackson, just get out." I stated, knowing he couldn't reach me or hit me at all with all of the cameras. He would get arrested if he touched me in the store.

"Why? Maybe I want to buy something..." He said, stalking over to the most expensive guitars in the store.

"Jackson, don't." I warned.

"What are you going to do about it?" He threatened, walking closer to the instruments on the large shelf.

"I-I can call the police right now and tell them you're trying to rob me." I said, trying to sound like I wasn't shaking in fear at his presence.

"Get away from the shelf now." I heard a voice boom. I looked to the door and saw one thing I wanted least to see, Zayn Malik. Jackson took one look at him with his bandaged face and didn't say a word. He slowly walked out of the store, ending with a small shove from Zayn.

"I-I...what are y-you doing here?" I stuttered.

"I thought I'd stop by." He smirked.

"H-How did you know I w-work here?" I stuttered, shying away as he walked toward the counter I stood behind.

"Come here, why are you so shy?" He chuckled slightly as my eyes widened. He jumped up to sit on the counter and swung his legs over, now sitting while facing me.


"You were told stuff about me weren't you?" He growled angrily.

"Uhm...yeah." I looked down as he continued to stare at me.

"By who? I want to meet whoever it was." I shot my head up.

"No! I won't let you talk to him!" I said, trying to protect Louis like he had done for me so many times. He laughed.

"You think I won't find out? You think you can stop me? Well I'll tell you something Niall, nobody does anything about me because they're all too scared. I'm not a bad person, I just have a bad reputation is all. Now, I suggest you tell me who it was and take me to them." He said, hopping off the counter and walking toward me. I pressed myself against the white wall as far as I could. Each step he took closer to me I flinched. I closed my eyes and looked down.

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