Chapter 6

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Its almost time im so happy!
I ran downstairs to go bug my mom "mom can we go now im going to shift soon and i don't want to shift inside" i whine
"Sure sweetheart" my mom says
"Yay" i screamed i ran to get my dad and dragged a 200+ man outside
"Slow down there sweetheart" my dad said out of breath
"Sheesh don't scream"
* outside before Jordyn shifts *

"Okay sweetheart this is going to be very painful for you and your going to be the next Alpha. An Alpha Female very Rare"
"What about Jason? He's older" i whined
"He dint want to be alpha. His mate is human so he wants to live a humanish life with her" my mom said
After i said that it started. I was finally shifting!
I was screaming the pain was unbelievable it hurt so much. My bones were cracking to fit in my wolf shape and fur started sprouting on my body. After a while the screamers turned to painful howls.
After i was done i was prancing around in my wolf form.
"Oh my goodess"
"Shes the... but how..."
I growled to show i was annoyed
"Sweetheart your the White Wolf"
My mom said
I prance around in my wolf form
"Your a lot stronger than you think and your going to develop powers so try keep your emotions stable"
"The prophesy" Tatyana said
I give a questioned look and a bark to signal how i shift back
"Imagine your human form and go behind a tree you might be naked
I shifted here and i was fully clothed
"The prophesy" Tatyana yelled before fainting...

A:N/ Haha i am back nothing like a good cliffhanger Muahah (evil laugh)
Ill update again maybe later. Ill try come up with a schedule of when ill update but for now
Have a wonderful day
Xoxo EdgySlinky34

The White WolfOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora