Chapter 9

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When I woke up I had an asprin and a glass of water on my bedside table.
"Thanks mom" I yelled
"Welcome" she said when i checked the time it was 6:30 so i got up and had a shower. I used my favorite cherry scented body wash and cherry shampoo and conditioner. As you can tell I love the smell of cherries. When i was done i put on my matching black lace bra and boyshorts and just slipped on my victorias secret cropped tights and a loose tee.
My mom made my favorite food. Beef soup and biscuits. Yumm i took a huge bowl full of soup and went to the theater room to watch a movie. I invited Yuuki and Tatyana to join me. We decided on paranormal activity the marked ones. I never get scared.
Yuuki and Tatyana ended up falling asleep halfway through the movie so i thought of a prank... "This is gonna be fun" i thought in my head.
I decided i would do a scare cam prank so i set up cameras in hidden spots and had some of my pack worriors dress up as clowns and carry around axe's. As soon as they woke up the clowns were in there faces and they both screamed and ran. Tatyana fell a couple of times and Yuuki just kept screaming. They ran for the doors but they were locked. The clowns chased them to a corner and cornered them. "Take your masks off" i mindlinked them and they did it. Tatyana had a look of utter shock on her face and Yuuki just screamed "Jordyn were gonna get you".
A/N:Ahh feels good to update. Lol so just for some clarification Jordyn does not have braces and glasses and Jordyn works as a victorias secret model. Shes the number 1 Angel. Yuuki and Tatyana don't work. Ive realized i only update when its night for me.... Weird lol anyway
Have a wonderful day... In my case night
Xoxo EdgySlinky34

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