Chapter 7

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Jordan's pov

"Mom what does tatyana mean by the prophesy?" I asked
"The white wolf is said to be the next moon goodess. On your second shift if you have a black heart on your forehead your a healer, But if your all white your the next mood Godess" my mom said
"Woah cool"
"Not cool sweetheart! You can't show anyone but us and your mate. You are a very special wolf"

Tatyana finally woke up
"There will be a battle between the future moon Godess and the vampire king. He wants to be ruler of the whole supernatural world. You must not die in the war" tatyana said in a coma like state
"A vision" yuuki said
"Oh no that's not good! Oh my godess we must hide your wolf at your party you say your a silver wolf not a white wolf. Okay sweetheart?"
"Yes dad"
"You should go rest your body is going to hurt like a bioch in the morning"
"Okay mom goodnight everyone"

A/N: what is that i see??? An update! Oh my godess it is!!! Lol so im going to try update at least 2 times week. so just to clarify Jordyn does not need her glasses and braces after she shifts
I have a question for y'all...
What are you being for halloween? Im being a vampire mistress! Comment what your being

Vote please. Help me get my book viral
Have a wonderful day... in my case night lol
Xoxo EdgySlinky34

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