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'Meet you on the other side ...'

He could see her face as clear as day as he moved from lying on his left side to be on his right, pulling the duvet up over his shoulders as he turned. Her long blonde hair draped over each of her shoulders and that smell, her perfume, a scent he will never forget, a scent that almost took him back in time to that summer, a summer now more than half his life ago, a summer being one he spent in the company of Cecilia.

'... I will be waiting.'

Colin opened his eyes and for a second or two he was sure that the smell of that perfume was such that it must be on something extremely close by, though that could not be possible, could it? Though he would never and had never forgotten Cecilia, Colin had no idea why all of a sudden, he was thinking of her. For a moment he assumed it had something to do with his gift, however he soon dismissed that thought but not before pondering the words that she had spoken.

Having embraced his ability only recently, as in easing into it over a couple of years or so, Colin's life had changed and changed a lot, in a good positive way too. He was making money from it even though he never asked for such, nor had he set any sort of price for his services. Having helped aid others to connect with a loved one from beyond had become somewhat of a pleasure, whereas before it certainly had been troublesome.

He is no longer struggling to find and hold down work, and this is something being a lot off of anyone's back. Whenever what he received was in any way substantial, Colin was always sure to leave an anonymous donation to some cause or other which would seriously benefit from it.

With his gift being what it is Colin does not drive. Imagine what a ghostly distraction might cause in any situation where he is in control of an automobile. Luck does side with Colin as for the many acquaintances he has, usually ensures that he is not left stuck for a lift when he needs to get from one place to another, and especially during times when time itself is of importance. There are those he has aided with contacting the other side who are also only too happy to lend a hand to Colin each and every time he may need such a hand or were to ask for one.

Besides cars are not his thing, vehicles in general are not his thing. He'd rather not use them if he didn't need to. And with everyday kinda work, work most everyone else does, being out of the way or taken at times he may need to or want to do depending on the specifics, getting in or out, on or off, vehicles in general are something done on a mostly need to basis.

There is this specific time where Colin is sitting in the passenger seat of a jeep going not so quickly along a quiet motorway late one evening in particular, Colin would become distracted by noise coming from behind. He couldn't really see anything through the jeep's mirrors, so Colin turned to get a decent view of what was coming. Another vehicle was approaching at great speed with the horn blowing frantically as if its driver was intent on gaining the attention of what was ahead of it.

'Is everything OK?' asked Colin's companion.

'I don't know' was all that Colin could say in reply.

The speeding vehicle soon overtook the jeep. It did not get too far ahead before its erratic movement caused it to catch upon itself and spin multiple times before coming to a halt upside down and off to the left side of the road.

'Pull over' says Colin loudly.


'Pull over, quick.'

By the time the jeep had stopped it had moved a couple hundred meters past where the other vehicle had finished up. Colin got out and began to make his way back to the crash. There was one person lying out on the road, a young lady who looked somewhat familiar, and there were two others still inside the overturned vehicle. Colin's companion came out of the jeep and approached.

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