Chapter Two

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"Get in the car whore." Alexis pats the passenger seat.

This is Alexis, she is titled as "Punk Rock". Her hair is a dark purple, she has a lip ring, tattoos, and her ears have so many piercings you can't count them all.

She has a leather jacket and a suicide silence tee-shirt with black skinny jeans and combat boots. You would be surprised though because she looks tough on the outside but really, she's a softy.

I hop into the car and she blasts music throughout the car.

"Where are you even taking me?" I shout over the music. "Just shut up and enjoy the ride!" She laughs, lighting a cigarette, and turning up the music.

This is going to be a long ride.

Alexis stops the car and we are in front of a huge house.

"What did you drag me into this time?" I roll my eyes and step out of the car. "Promise not to get mad." She grabs my hand and forces me to walk towards the house. "Just tell me." Alexis and I have an odd friendship, anytime I see her stuff goes down and something weird happens.

"Ok so there's this rich kid named Ashton and he needed a girlfriend, since I wasn't good enough for him.. I may have told him I have a friend in mind.." We reach the door and she knocks. "Wait what?" I pull my arm out of her grip. "You can't just do that Alexis!" How could she do this to me? Expecially without my consent. "It's ok, it's not like your going to be with him forever." She rolls her eyes and laughs, just as I go to walk away, a young man with curly brown hair answers the door.

"Alexis?" The young man looks back and forth at us.

Alexis quickly grabs my arm and pulls me over. "Ashton, Lana, Lana, Ashton." She pushes me towards him and giggles.

"Oh.. Hey." Who is this man? And why does he need me? Ashton stares deeply into my eyes. "Hello Lana, I'm Ashton. Thank you for being here." He lifts up my hand and brings it to his lips.

"Ok, ok, don't start being lovey dovey just yet." Alexis laughs and walks into the house.

Ashton takes my hand and shows me the house.

"Why am I here exactly?" I don't understand anything that is happening right now, Alexis isn't good at explaining. "I need a girlfriend for a little while so I asked Alexis but she wasn't interested but she said you might be." He looks down and smiles at me. "I don't even know you." How can he be so calm about this?

"It's fine, it won't be anything serious. As long as we convince my parents then it won't cause any harm." So..I'm like a whore then I guess? "But I don't feel comfortable with this." He frowns. "Please I'll pay you, I'll buy you things, I'll treat you right i swear. Can you just lend me a hand here?" He grabs me by the waist and holds me close.

"Fine.." I cant help but feel bad for this man. "Really!" He hugged me and picked me up. "But," he swiftly put me back down. "There are rules. Rule one, I will never love you so don't try to figure my feelings out, Rule two, Don't betray me." His eyes got serious and it sent a chill down my spine. "Whats the point of a relationship if there is no real love?" And what did he mean by don't betray him? "We won't be together for long so what is the point?" This man is strange..

Daddy's Little Girl // C.H.Where stories live. Discover now