Chapter Ten

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I managed to get Ashton out of the house before Calum came home.

I walk up to my dad's bedroom and go onto his computer.

"It's snooping time." I opened up Google and looked at his search history, scrolling through it.

Porn hub
Google docs

"Ooh google docs?" I say to myself and click his most recent Doc.

"What the fuck.." it's a whole bunch of pictures of woman dressed as a little kid, beside the pictures it says buy for Lana when accepted.

I close the Doc and log off of the computer just in time to hear the front door open.

I run to my bed room and silently close the door, hop in bed, and act like I'm asleep.

I hear a female voice giggle as my dad walks past my door.

"Mom?" I whisper.

I rush to the door and swing it open, only to find some black haired whore standing in front of my dad's door, then go inside of the bedroom, shutting the door.

"Who the fuck is she?" I say with disgust. Why is she in my house?

I get my phone out and call Alexis.

"Hellooo." He says over loud music.

"Can you come get me?" I walk downstairs, writing a note to my dad that says. With Alexis bye be home whenever.

"Are you ok with being at a party?" She replies.

"Fuck it, let's have fun!" I shout. My dad's having sex, he won't hear me.

"Woohoo, Ashtons here too wink wonk." She giggles and hangs up.

I would have sex with that boy, won't even lie to myself. I'm a virgin though, and sex is weird.

Alexis walks into my door, grabs my hand and shoves me into her car.

"Dude, it's Hella cool in there." I look over at Alexis and noticed her hair.

"When the fuck did you dye your hair bright green?" I start to pet her hair.

"When the fuck did you get that sweater?" I looked down and noticed i was still wearing Ashtons sweater.

"Shut up you hoe." I pushed her face and she laughed at me.

Party Time

I open to door and get a giant burst of smoke clouds in my face, flashing lights, and the smell mixed with alcohol and too many drugs.

I go straight to the kitchen where all the drinks are.

"Ooh jello shots!" I shout and run over to the bright colors jello.

"Bottoms up." I hear Ashtons voice from behind me and i take the first shot.

I turn around and kiss him roughly. There was nothing in the contract about not being allowed to have angry sex.

"Feisty, I like it." Ashton kissed me back, but more gental.

He pulls back.

"What?" I ask.

"You really want this?" He rubs his hands down my sides.

"Yes." I nod, leaning closer to his face.

"Good." He replied with a smirk and pulls away.

"Why not now?" I whine.

"Look where you are, you're at a party, you could get a disease or sometthing." He laughed at me and stole one of my jello shots.

"Back off, they're mine." I reply while taking the whole tray and walking away.


I know there's been a lot of Ashton and Lana #Lash and some of you have been wanting more Calum and Lana #Calan but don't worry those of you who want Calan, it will be here soon haha. Thanks for the votes and comments i really appreciate it, love you all. xoxo

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