Captured Part One

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  Why was it so cold? Why was everything black and white? I was only wearing ragged clothes. Was that.. Blood dripping from the ceiling? I could hear screams.

There were no windows, and the room smelled of rotten bodies. I stared at the clock on the wall, anticipating each second. The ticking had already began to drive me insane. The sink faucet dripped in rhythm with the tick of the clock. I felt sick to my stomach. I felt disgusting for being in a place like this. Where was I?

 I tried to move. Pain shot up my leg immediately. What the hell?

 "Stay put. You're not getting out of here anytime soon, missy." I froze at the deep voice. 

 "Scared, aren't you? I can smell it from here." A tall man unlocked the door quickly, and then stepped over a few skeletons before reaching me. 

 "Half-blood. It's sickening."   I rolled my eyes at him. 

 "Fuck off." He growled lowly, and I felt his hand come in contact with my cheek. Hard. My left cheek tingled and burned. I somehow ignored it. 

 "Let me go." I demanded, biting my lip. 

 "No. You won't get outta here 'til the boss says so." 

 "Who's that, then?" I needed answers. 

 "Me." A woman dressed in black and red appeared in front of me, wearing heels that made her tower over me. 


 "Hush. C'mon now, smile for me. You're secure, and very much alive. Maybe just barely, but you are." I tried to pull away when her fingers came in contact with my skin. 

 "W-Where am I?" I knew I was shaking now. 

 "You'll find out. Let's get you out of those bindings." She reached into her pocket, pulling out a knife swiftly. I watched as it twirled around her fingers for a moment. I hit the ground hard, whimpering when the pain in my leg made it worse.

 "Follow me. If you resist, well, it won't be pretty." 
 The woman smirked at me when she finally brought me into an empty, cold room. 

 "Sit still and be pretty." I bit the inside of my cheek, shying away from the woman's touch. Cuff like objects wrapped around my wrists and ankles to prevent me from moving. The woman shrugged her jacket off of her and then sat down in a chair across from me. 

 "When did you discover you were.. A half-blood?" Her voice was sultry. I felt my face heat up.

 "I-I was never sure. I had an idea a few days ago." 

 "And that girl you were with..?" 

 "Just a friend." It was true. Friends with benefits, maybe. I wanted to be more though. So much more. I don't know what she wants. She's unreadable.

 "You want more than that." Did she read my mind or something? I hate it when Fluttershy does that. It's creepy.

 "Maybe. Look, can you just tell me where I'm at?" 

 "You're in a place. A place that's.. Secret to say the least. No one will find you. You're a half-blood, and you're here because you're rare." I guess that explains a bit.

 "Why is it so.. Horrible?" 

 "Full-bloods find half-bloods an abomination. They feel weak in their presence, and they hate it. Me? I'm half-blood. However, I'm of a higher class. The highest." 

 "And you're like.. The leader of whatever the fuck this is?" I tried to pull away from the chain like things. 

 "Sure. Use whatever term makes you happy." Ice ran through my veins when the man from earlier returned. 

 "Spitfire, she's here."
 Ahhh I'm truly sorry about the short chapter. I've kinda been rushed a bit more lately. I'll make it up to you all somehow, I promise!



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