Family ties chapter 6

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Family ties chapter 6

Rogers pov

"What do you think of zayn giving Georgia his number?" I asked Brian "it's adorably cute" Brian laughed back we all arrived back at Freddie's house and the girls ran upstairs I could hear giggling from upstairs and when us four blokes walked in we seen the girls looking back at us "dad we are 19 year old girls we don't need you to come and check on us when we are only laughing" " John I blame you" dad said while glaring at him "wh..what did I do?" John answered back " Georgia gets her sass of you" laughed Brian " see I told you that you were my long lost daughter" said John shrugging his shoulders and walking off then Freddie roger and Brian walked off .

Georgia's pov

'It's a kind of magic It's a kind of magic, A kind of magic One dream, one soul,one prize, One goal, one golden glance of what should be' " that's my phone ill be right back" I said as I answered my phone and walked outside

🍭Phone conversation🍭


Person-hello is this Georgia Taylor

Me- yes it is may I ask who am I speaking too

Person- hello Georgia this is zayn from the hospital

Me- hey zayn how are you

Zayn- I'm great I'm getting released from hospital tomorrow

Me- aww zayn that's awesome

Zayn-yeah it is I'm just wondering what are you doing on Friday night

Me- nothing that I know of why?

~in my head~

Oh my gosh he might be asking me on a date oh my gosh


Zayn- I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me on. Friday

Me- yeah ok sounds great

Zayn- how does 7:30 sound and I will pick you up

Me-sounds great

Zayn- and just wear something casual

Me- ok cant wait I will ring you tomorrow bye zayn

Zayn- bye Georgia love you

Me- bye zayn love you too

🍭End of phone conversation🍭

I walked back into the room " oooo who was that" asked Hayley " it was zayn" "ooo what did he say?" Questioned Chhavi " ok he asked me on a date on Friday" I gushed " oh yeah!" Said Anna

"I can't wait" I said "what are you going to say to roger?" Asked Hayley "I'll explain the whole thing" I said





Georgia rose Dembeck xxx

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