Chapter Three: All hail the so-called Jesus

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Chapter Three: All hail the so-called Jesus

By the time I got to the parking lot, it was already 5:30 and dark. There were only two cars left in the drive way.

Walking all alone is really scary, especially if it's dark. Now I understand why directors always shoot the killing scenes on parking lots. 'Cause they're scary at night.

With trembling feet and cold hands, I walked to my car, silently praying to God to forbid me from dying tonight.

Okay. Breathe.... I breathed furiously before running to my car, only to be knocked down. I sat there for a while before lifting my head.

I don't know of it's a guy or a girl because he/she a wore black hoody. It's not long before I started screaming like a whale but that's clearly irrelevant especially because whales do not scream.

" Hey! It's okay. Just me. " Alex held up a cautious hand to assure me that he means no harm.

" Jesus!! I- " I was rudely cut off by Alex. " Nope. No Jesus here, just me. " he held up his hands in defense. So much for being the mysterious new guy. " I thought you were a serial killer or something. "

" Maybe I am. " A devious smirk appeared on his face but my expression was priceless. It was pale like a spirit had taken the soul out of me. As his face softened and a soft laugh came out of his lips, a new expression had formed on my face. My death glare never left his face, or eyes in particular.

Soon enough, we were standing in the middle of the parking lot, looking like idiots with me, glaring and him, yawning and rubbing. Something clicked in my memory, " Uhh.. Alex? " His face suddenly softened at my voice.

" What are you doing at school this late hour? "

" Ehem.. " he fake coughed but didn't go according to what he planed because it turned to a real one as he squeezed with his eyes bulging out. I would have laughed at the sight but I had respect for the poor guy. " Well, your friend, Savannah, was literally chasing me at school after classes and lucky old me got stuck in the janitors closet. " I never really expected him to answer me truthfully which shocked me.

" I just hope you didn't bring a girl with you. " i wiggled my eyebrows at him followed by a wink. My laugh probably sounded like goose cackling with my eyes bulging out but he didn't mind, instead, he joined my laugh.

" Well, I better be off then. " I bid a small goodbye and hurried to the side of my car.

He tsked and turned towards me, " Goodbyes are just hellos, blowing across the wind until our paths intersect once again. "

Another mischievous smirk appeared on his face as a wide grin met mine. His eyes glistening with amusement when I laughed, again. I never really saw him talk to anybody at school today so I'd conclude that he is a reserved person.

" Stop quoting cartoons, Mister Sanders. That is, unless, if you have an interest with Jake. "

We both laughed before Alex muttered something about bird gay shit. Hey! don't ask me, I'm just telling what happened here.

I finally remembered going home so I unlocked the door halfway before speaking, " Look, Alex. Savannah's my friend but I have concerns too. Just don't let her drag you into something you don't want. ". " Oh, and the thing that she wanted to tell you that she had to chase you off was that she was having a party tomorrow at her house. That's just a few blocks away from the Grill Resto-bar. "

His forehead have creased like he was concentrating on controlling his anger towards my poor friend. " Well, that's just stupid. I don't even go to parties. What about you? Are you going? "

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