Domino Effect

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Hey guys!! I'm so happy to announce that chapter one of the rewritten version is already finished. Here you go, you guys criticize it.

p.s. this is just the preview and I changed the names of most of the characters,  so... lol

Domino Effect: One, Human-bacon sacrifices and gods to appease.

"Astrid, it's been seven years. I know it's hard but it's harder if you don't let it go. Sometimes, letting go is easier than holding on. But that doesn't mean you have to let go of everything." As she said this, she silently slid a plate of bacon and ham in front of her.

"Don't worry, Jo. I'm fine. It's fine. I just need a bit more time, is all." She avoided eye contact and started cutting the ham. She ate slower than usual.

"Dear, by the time you finish eating that, it will probably be noon. You're eating slower than a snail crawling." Johanne scolded her and took one piece of her bacon.

Astrid saw the crime she committed and jumped into action, "Though shall not eat thy bacon." She pointed her fork accusingly to her as Jo held up her hands in defeat. "Okay, no bacon crimes! Jeez! What do I feed you to make you like this?"

Astrid shrugged innocently, "Oh, I don't know, maybe bacons, and then, think of them as human sacrifices to appease the gods. Hmm, I wonder." Jo glared at her and stalked back to the kitchen as Astrid appeased herself with her surrealistic human sacrifices. 

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