Being Courted

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From the first moment we touched
Your arms felt like home

When I woke up again I had a killer headache and it was pitch black, I was in the middle of the woods, laying in a patch of grass and just as I sat up I heard loud screaming. I jumped up, sprinting in that direction and came to see a man and a younger boy being circled by a wolf. As soon as I saw this man I felt as if gravity had suddenly ceased to exist. I was torn between helping them and just continuing to stare at the man but as another wolf showed up and my imprint jumped at it, to kill it with his sword I realized the boy was unprotected and the wolf knew that. I did the only thing that I could think of at that moment...I jumped on it. I scared the living shit out of it and it jumped around trying to throw me off. The other wolf was now dead and the man I knew as Klaus, thanks to Quill, turned around and looked stunned. He pulled the child behind him just as the wolf rolled onto the ground and dropped me off his back, slashing my shoulder with his claws as he did so. I cried out in pain before kicking him, making him fly off of me and into a tree. He whined before looking back at me as my eyes changed color, they went completely black and he knew I could kill him. He took off back into the trees before I turned around.

"You saved us! You saved my life!" The boy yelled, hugging me around the waist, making me groan in pain.

"Henrik, let go, she's hurt. Let me take you to our mother, she can help you." He said coming over to me.

"I'll be fine, really, I'm okay. Don't worry about me, takes a lot more than that puppy to hurt me." He looked at me as if I was insane before lifting me into the air.

"I will take you so she can look at it. You saved our lives, it is the least we can do. Henrik, stay close." He walked for about 5 minutes before Henrik ran and opened the door to a small house. "Mother!" Klaus called and a women ran in quickly, along with a man.

"What have you done boy!?" He shouted and I flinched back in his arms.

"She saved us from the wolves father. I went to see them change, and Niklaus came after me trying to get me to come home, I wouldn't listen, it's my fault, please don't blame him!" Henrik begged but the man just glared at Klaus as I was sat on a chair.

"Oh my, darling, what are these clothes you wear. Boys, get out of here." She insisted before helping me take off my jacket and shirt before staring at my bra.

"Ma'am, I feel that I can trust you when I say, I'm not from here, I'm from the future." She looked shocked for a second but nodded.

"It explains the clothes, and shoes...and hair." I smiled slightly before she jumped back gasping. "Oh My God!" As she said that her husband and the boys ran back in, along with 3 other boys and a girl about my age. "You healed...just like that, only scars left."

"Yes, I heal quickly, it's just something my people can do." I said pulling on my shirt and jacket as one of the boys was staring at my boobs.

"My sons explained what you did back there. You jumped onto the back of a wolf and then after you scared it off, you called it a puppy. What are you?"

"Well first of all, I'm Abigail. Nice to meet you." I said holding out my hand to the women.

"I am Esther, this is Mikael, you've met Niklaus and Henrik, this is Elijah, Finn, Kol, and Rebekah." She introduced and they all waved. "This young girl is from the future dear." Everyone looked at me stunned. "Why have you come back here?"

"To save your son. Henrik was supposed to die tonight, and in my time, because of that, there are horrible repercussions."

"How so?" Mikael questioned.

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