Finally Home

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You walked into my life like you had always lived there
Like my heart was a home built just for you

The next time I woke up it was in my living room, surrounded by my pack and old Quill, just as they were before. "Guys, have you been standing there for a month?" I asked and they looked very confused.

"Sweetheart, you've been asleep for 5 minutes." My eyes widened.

"WHAT!? I went 1000 years into the past, stayed for a month, and then went 500 years after that and was there for god knows how long, and you're telling me I never actually left?"

"Well, you're body didn't but your mind did, and you entered a body that looked like yours, and you borrowed that. It disappeared after you were done with it. So when will he be here?"

"In Like A Month! I thought I had been gone for a month! I need to find him!" Everyone laughed as I got up and went online.

"Yeah Abigail, just look him up on face-book." Paul joked and I growled angrily. "You can wait a month."

"Actually Paul, coming from someone who actually has an imprint, she's going to have a very hard time. She has no idea where he is and if he's okay, If he's with another women, If he's already dead. It going to run through her head all the time." Sam ranted.

"Well NOW IT WILL!" I yelled running up the stairs. I didn't come out of my room for the month after that, except for training for the newborns that were coming to kill Bella.

I stood beside my pack, hidden in the trees, waiting for Sam's okay to go, and when we heard the sound of the newborns heads being ripped off that's just what we did. We spent the next half hour tearing these things limb from limb, and when we were finally done we heard clapping from behind us. "Jane, how nice to see you." Carlisle spoke and his family all walked over to him.

"Very impressive Carlisle, I've never seen a coven escape an assault of this magnitude intact, although you did have help." She said looking at us.

"We have one common goal with the shifters, we all want to protect Bella." Edward spoke.

"Who is still human may I add, Caius will be interested to know that." She said making my pack all growl. "Oh, scary." She laughed before glaring at us, it was at that moment that I felt the most horrifying pain imaginable. I can't physically describe the pain that was coursing through my veins, it was like fire and ice all at once, like having my bones all snapped, and my skin sliced open, but that's not what got to me. In my mind I saw Klaus and his whole family, they were in some type of meeting, but I saw Klaus begin to flinch before he went rigid and fell to the floor looking like he was having a seizure.

"Klaus!" "Nik!" "Are you okay!?" I could hear his siblings yelling at him but he wouldn't respond to them. "What's going on!?" A man yelled.

"Nothing Marcel, just wait a moment please?" Elijah asked. "There is no reason he should be like this, I can only guess it's Abigail."

"Abigail!? What's wrong with Abigail!?" Henrik shouted.

"If she's in pain he will know, I can't begin to imagine the pain she would have to be in to have this effect on him though, one thing is for certain, she's home and we're going." Rebekah said.

"Finn, go order 6 plane tickets to Port Angeles." Elijah instructed.

"7, he is my sire, and I will help protect his mate, let me come with you." Marcel begged and he nodded.

"Make it 7, everyone pack a bag, I'll pack one for Niklaus, Henrik, you pack one for Finn while he orders these tickets, let's go!"

"What about him?" Kol asked.

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