Part 2

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Finn slipped into St Withil the Wondrous' Church just as the choir were finishing their practice. He lay down on one of the back pews, ignored the beautiful ceiling that pilgrims came from across the land to see, and closed his eyes allowing the low voices as the choristers made their farewells to wash over him.

A thump near his head alerted Finn to the fact that the person he was looking for had sat down beside him. And if there'd been any doubt the heavy, hardbound book that was dropped on his stomach a moment later, knocking the wind out of him, confirmed it.

His eyes flew open to see Nathaniel Durdaw, a close friend of his father, staring down at him with amusement.

"Don't you have any manners boy? Feet on the floor."

Finn sat up slowly, swinging his feet to the floor as Durdaw continued.

"And speaking of manners where's that brother of yours? He was supposed to be bringing me a book I ordered yesterday."

"That's actually what I'm here about," said Finn.

When Finn and Archie's father died in the Old King's war against the Griffins in the East Durdaw had done his best to step up and fill that position in their lives. And being a well of both useful and useless information if anyone could tell him a bit more about Arys Isle it would be Durdaw. So Finn told him everything.

Durdaw was silent for a long moment afterwards before saying heavily, "I'm afraid I only really know as much as you about Arys Isle. It's a strange place. The folk are strange and the land itself is even stranger."

At that moment a pair of bluebirds flew from the sleeve of Durdaw's overcoat and settled up in the rafters. Finn watched them go curiously, waiting for an explanation from Durdaw but he barely seemed to notice them.

"I know Archie's your brother," Durdaw continued, as if nothing had happened. "But are you sure he's worth it?"

With a snort Finn picked up the book Durdaw had dropped on him and opened it at random. Sure enough after a few moments the letters all moved and Archie's plea for help revealed itself again.

"Ahh." Durdaw nodded. "Fair enough. I can see how that would become tiresome quickly. Well the only thing I can say is that I've heard they've been having some dragon problems lately. And in the area of Hawthorne Beach as it happens."


Dragons hadn't been seen in the land of Aldorna for close to two centuries. Not since Valthorn the Vengeful had famously hunted them almost to extinction in retaliation for the dragon attack which had killed his family. It was said he'd notched up 327 kills in less than half a year. But of course if dragons had survived anywhere it would be Arys Isle.

Durdaw fumbled for something around his neck and pulled out a small, oval shaped pendant hung on a black cord which he took off and handed to Finn.

"Take this. I won it years ago in a game of cards. Odd fellow but he assured me that if I ever found myself up against a dragon I'd be able to defeat it with this."

Finn took it dubiously. The grey metal pendant was barely longer than his thumb and covered on both sides with an intricate, raised swirling pattern. It was incredibly cold to the touch even though Durdaw had been wearing it next to his skin but Finn could see no way that it would help him against a great fire-breathing beast of a dragon.

"And how exactly does it work?" he asked.

"Absolutely no idea. Surprisingly enough I've never had to use it."

"And do you always wear it? Even here in Aldorna City?"

Durdaw nodded and then shrugged at Finn's questioning look.

"Just got into the habit of it I suppose. I'd better be off. Good luck and try to come back in one piece, and with Archie if you can manage it. He still owes me that book."


And so early the next day Finn set out towards the port city of Pallow where he hoped to find passage across the water to Arys Isle. It was with some misgivings that he'd left Hetton alone and in charge of the shop. It was that or close it for the duration of the time that he was gone. He still wasn't quite sure he'd gone for the right option.

He was travelling light, just the essentials in his small pack; some food that would stay edible for a good few days, a water flask, a tinderbox, an extra cloak, money that he'd taken from the shop (Archie would understand), and a map of Arys Isle that he'd torn from one of the books (Archie might be a bit less understanding about that one). Hopefully this wouldn't take long.

Pallow was about half a day's walk and Finn couldn't have asked for a better day. The sun was shining, there wasn't a cloud in the sky and there was just the slightest breeze which stopped it getting too hot. It was good to be out of the city for a while, he'd been cooped up there too long. You couldn't turn around in a place like Aldorna City without bumping into someone or other it was so full of people. And of course that many people in one place led to some rather questionable assaults on the eyes, ears and especially nose.

In contrast since he'd left the main road out of the city a few hours ago he'd seen less than half a dozen people.

As he was making good time he decided to enjoy the day. Dropping his pack to the ground he stretched out beside it, hands behind his head, face tipped up to the sun and let out a sigh of contentment. The only sounds were the birds singing in the trees and a bee buzzing nearby. A blade of grass tickled the back of his ear and the ground he was lying on was hard and lumpy against his back but to Finn it was bliss.

He wasn't sure how long he lay there but suddenly the back of his neck prickled so strongly that he was certain someone was watching him. He sat up slowly, one hand on the hilt of his sword. Bandits weren't a common occurrence in this part of the country but they weren't unheard of.

Looking back down the slope he'd come up Finn could see no sign of any other person but the sensation was still there. If anything it had increased. He glanced over his shoulder and then let out a huff of laughter. On the brow of the hill stood a cow surveying him with big, blank eyes, chewing slowly on a mouthful of grass.

Clearly the half heard rumours about Arys Isle had put his subconscious on the defensive but that wasn't something he needed to worry about until he got there. Nevertheless it was time to move on. He looked up just in time to see the cow turn and disappear over the hill.

By the time he reached the brow of the hill himself the cow was nowhere to be seen.


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