Part 7

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Eventually The Forest did come to an end, opening up into a rocky valley floor through which the River Malley was making its' slow, meandering way. The afternoon was getting on but Finn hoped to cover a fair bit of ground yet. At this time of year they'd have the light well into the evening, not to mention the fact that he really didn't think this hard, rock strewn floor would lend itself to a good night sleep.

They continued walking towards the tree covered hills in the distance in companionable conversation. That is to say Jarrold talked continuously on all manner of subjects and Finn occasionally added his agreement. Nevertheless he found the company strangely enjoyable.

During one of Jarrold's brief pauses for breath Finn voiced something which had been concerning him for the last few minutes.

"Those hills up ahead haven't just recently been discovered too have they? Only on the map it looked like we could follow the river right to the coast but that's not looking too easy just now."

"Don't worry the river flows right between. You'll see. Now I was saying, Aruvian Slugs."

"Yes, the slugs."

And sure enough they were able to follow the river through a small pass and out onto the grassy slopes beyond.

"You there?" a voice suddenly called from behind them.

They turned to see a handsome knight on horseback approaching them. Both he and the horse were attired in red livery and made for a striking picture with the late afternoon sun behind them. Although the squire that followed a few paces behind, red faced and sweating, laden down with packs, swords and a shield, did somewhat lessen the impressiveness of it.

Jarrold jumped behind Finn as the knight came to a stop level with them.

"I'm making for the village of Papleham," said the Knight imperiously. "Is this the right way?"

The name sounded familiar to Finn but he had no idea where it was. Luckily Jarrold did.

Peering round Finn's legs slightly he said, "That it is sir. Follow the river to the sea and you'll be at Papleham."

That was where Finn knew it from. It was the closest village to Hawthorne Beach. Not that he'd really had chance to read the name what with the letters taking every opportunity they could to move around and pass on Archie's message.

The Knight's horse suddenly snarled at Jarrold who disappeared behind Finn again with a whimper not that the Knight seemed to notice. He was looking grandly off into the distance.

"The poor souls of that village have been tormented by dragons for long enough. I shall rid them of the wretched beasts or die trying."

And with that he spurred his horse into a gallop, shouting for his squire as he did so. The poor fellow, who had only just caught up with them, looked about ready to cry. Catching the shield which had been just about to fall from his hand he barely noticed Finn and Jarrold as he took a deep breath and began jogging after the rapidly shrinking figure of the Knight.

"Well we can only hope that by the time we reach Hawthorne Beach the noble knight will have killed all the dragons for us," said Finn, as they began walking again. "I see what you mean about horses. They really don't like you do they?"


Night was beginning to fall and the clouds had rolled in. Jarrold had been lagging behind Finn for half an hour and even Finn was starting to feel weary. Up ahead the river skirted the base of a small hill on top of which an ominous looking stone tower loomed up into the sky.

"Any idea what that is?" Finn asked.

"Probably just an old ruin," replied Jarrold, perching on a rock. "There's plenty of them dotted around."

"Seems like the perfect place to stop for the night."

Jarrold jumped up, trying to hide the weariness he felt. "Oh no, wouldn't it be much better to keep going and get a bit further tonight?"

Finn looked down at him curiously. "A moment ago you looked ready to fall asleep where you sat. Why don't you want to stay here for the night?"

Not meeting Finn's gaze Jarrold said hurriedly, "It's nothing, nothing."

Finn stared at him for a moment longer and then, when he didn't say anything else, said, "Well this seems as good a place as any. Near the river, sheltered from the wind. Come on."

He set off up the small hill followed reluctantly by Jarrold who was muttering to himself. It wasn't until Finn was half way up the wooden steps to the doorway that Jarrold burst out with, "It's spooky! And we don't know if it's safe. What if it collapses on us in the middle of the night?"

Finn patted the rough stone. "It's built solidly enough that it'll probably still be standing long after we're both gone."

At Jarrold's sceptical look Finn jumped and down a few times on the staircase. It didn't even wobble.

"See," he said, carrying on up the staircase. "And don't worry I'm sure any ghosts here will be more scared of you than you are of them."

"That's spiders," grumbled Jarrold but he followed Finn up the steps nonetheless.

Finn drew his sword. Jarrold took a step back in alarm and would have tumbled down the stairs if Finn hadn't grabbed him in time.

"Relax. It's just in case."

He pushed the door open with his foot and peered inside.

From what he could see the space inside was one big, empty room full of dust and cobwebs which hadn't been used in a long time. He edged inside, wanting a clearer view of the whole room when a sword came slicing through the air on his right hand side.

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