Gerita (A cozy winter)

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(So I'm kinda doing this from one of my Deviantart stories and that is Nomi-Fangirl is you wanna check that out but yea, im not copying. Might put in some smexy stuff ;3)

"Germany! Germany!" A little Italian accent shouted from the halls and gradually got closer to Germany's office where he was working on battle plans. Germany sighed. What did Italy want this time? Italy burst through the doors holding a green and red letter in his hand with a little shade of pink on his cheeks. Germany looked up from his paper and looked at Italy who was proceeding to wave the piece of paper in his face.

Germany grabbed the piece of paper out of Italy's delicate hand and flipped it open. He read it out loud. He could practically hear the annoying American voice just from reading the letter. "DUDE! COME TO THE BIGGEST CHRISTMAS PARTY EVER THIS YEAR! BE AT MY HOUSE ON DECEMBER 25TH! BRING A DATE AND A PRESENT! THIS YEAR THE CAKE'S RAINBOW! IT'S GONNA BE EPIC!" Germany read aloud.

The next morning Germany got up early to find Italy in his bed again. He was out like a light. It was cold in the house this morning so when Germany touched the floor he squealed like a girl and woke Italy up. Italy grumbled having being woken up from a good dream and didn't want to wake up to face the cold air in the house. "Cmon Italia." Germany said. "Mmf" Italy said through the pillow.

In the end Germany just ended up reluctantly putting on Italy's outfit while he was half asleep. Must've gotten interesting when it came to hair brushing... ;3

Germany carried Italy downstairs and they ate some of the leftover pasta from last night for breakfast. That fueled Italy's emotions up. He was practically jumping off the walls when Germany tried to slip on his coat before they where going to go out for shopping.

"Hold still!" Germany said annoyed. Italy stopped moving and blushed when Germany grabbed his hand to take him out the door.

It was freezing outside so Italy got cold fast with his tiny figure. He clung onto Germany for warmth causing him to blush bright red. They soon arrived in town and went to the center. There was a big frozen fountain and many couples were dancing around it joyously to music. Italy looked longingly at the couples and then at Germany.

Germany couldn't resist the puppy eyes Italy gave him. "After ve go shopping ok?" Germany compromised. Italy nodded and put his red nose back into his fuzzy coat as he and Germany walked alongside him to the knitting shop.

When the got inside Italy immediately covered Germany's eyes with a scarf and picked out some yarn so Germany couldn't see the colors he was picking out. Germany then sent Italy over to look at the woolen hats on the other side of the store so that he couldn't see that he was picking out an Italian flag sweater. He bought it and quickly stuck it in his bag before Italy turned around.

As they left the shop Italy dragged Germany over to the center of town and started to dance teasingly around the fountain tempting him to join in. Germany sighed and made his way through the crowd to the little Italian. Italy snuggled up to Germany and said, "Io Ti amo Ludwig." Germany blushed and responded back, 'Ich Liebe Dich Italia." Italy smiled and hugged Germany.

Then Germany noticed people were staring at them. Germany looked down at Italy who didn't seem to notice anything. Suddenly Germany felt uncomfortable with all the stares and took Italy and their stuff away to an ally so that they wouldn't be gawked at.

"I'm sorry Italia. There was a bunch of people staring at us weirdly and I don't want them watching us." Germany said weakly.

Italy just looked at him smiling and blushing. He stood on his tippytoes and pecked Germany right on the cheek, then said, "Let them watch." Before fully making out with him.

Germany was blushing as red as Italy's tomato sauce but started to kiss back. He suddenly pushed Feli up against the ally wall so he couldn't move but still made out with him, their bags long forgotten on the ground next to them. As things kept getting heated in the ally way, Germany moved his lips down to Feli's neck and collarbone leaving marks where he pleased. Italy moaned as Germany found his sweet spot. Germany smiled. "Shall we finish this at home, Feli?" Said Germany, Still using Italy's human name. Italy nodded, Shivering.

Italy and Germany walked back home through the crowds holding hands and not caring if any haters where watching. Their bags still in hand.

(I shall save smutiness for next chapter X3 but i gtg to bed now guys, it's 12:28 am where i am and shiz like that so yea. Next chapter will be a continuation of this scenario so look forward to it :3. Bene notte guys. This is a lot longer then i expected. Geez 030)

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