Hetalia Yaoi sleepover Pt 2

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After the countries had finished their fun in the pool with America finally ruining it by dumping the tea that England brought into the pool and everyone cried, "THE BOSTON TEA POOL.", Hungary called them all inside to play some rounds of truth or dare.

They all sat in a circle and Hungary said, "Ok, First to go will be..."


Hungary points to Japan and winks with a lemony gleam in her eye. Japan then takes out a list that he had brought for just this situation and points to Italy.

"Ahem." Japan clears his throat.

"Truth or dare?"

Italy answers enthusiastically like an airhead and says, "Dare!"

Germany facepalms.

Japan gives a sly smile, gets up, grabs Italy's hand, And leads the confused Italian upstairs. Hungary lets out a fangirl giggle as soon as they leave the room. Germany looks worried. After a few moments of awkward silence, Hungary points to Russia and says, "Ok! You're next!"

Russia smiles and nods with a dark aura flowing around him. He turns to China and says, "Dare or Dare Da?" China hides.

"I dare you to sit on my lap for the rest of the game da?" China shivers as Hungary pushes him onto Russia's lap. Russia's arms make his way around China's torso and hugs him, causing China to blush. Two camera flashes are heard and all the countries turn to see Hungary and Nomi holding cameras up to their faces.

Two seconds later, Japan comes around the corner of the room dragging Italy dressed in a very revealing outfit that composed of a collar around his neck, Dog ears attached to his hair, A wagging brown dog tail, and tight blue shorts that revealed he was wearing no underwear. He was also wearing no shirt, obviously. His face was completely red and he was trying not to look at Germany who was struggling to keep the stream of blood running down his nose to his mouth hidden.

Then, The front door opened and Spain barged in, Carrying a big suitcase that seemed to be wiggling.

Spain was panting for two reasons. For one, The weight of the bag on his back. For two, He had probably hiked the entire way here.

"SORRY HUNGARY. WHAT'D I MISS?" Spain panted out. Then his eyes drew to Italy dressed in his revealing outfit, and China sitting reluctantly in Russia's lap. He smirked. "Ohhhh Romano....." He set the bag down and unzipped the zipper. Out tumbled both Spain's and Romano's luggage, Along with a tied up and gagged Romano who would probably be cursing until his throat hurt if not for the cloth around his mouth.

"I knew you wanted Romano here Hungary so i got him to come."

"With much persuasion." Spain rubbed the back of his head nervously as everyone stared at The bonded Romano. Spain then removed the gag from Romano's mouth and they were all bombarded with many curses no one could really make out. The only words retrieved from the mumble jumble of curses were, "YOU TOMATO BASTARD!" "WHY IS FRATELLO DRESSED LIKE A STRIPPER?" "WHAT'S THAT STREAM OF BLOOD COMING FROM THE POTATO MEAN?" "WHY DID YOU DRAG ME HERE?!" Everyone covered their ears as Hungary gave Spain a slip of paper telling him where Him and Romano would be sleeping for the night, And other details.

Spain dragged their luggage and the still cursing southern half of Italy upstairs to where they would be sleeping. When Romano's screams of cursing finally were drowned out, Hungary pointed to Italy who was now sitting next to a still nose-bleeding Germany.

"You're turn to pick who goes for truth or dare!"

Italy blushed and pointed to England. "Truth or Dare-a?"

England replied, "Dare. I'm not going to be weak like some idiots." In the most tsundere way possible.

Italy shifted and whispered in Japan's ear a question. Then Japan whispered the answer back and Italy smiled, and turned back to England.

"Ok. I've just been-a informed that-a there's this game that people play in Japan called 'The Pocky Game' I dare you to play it with him!" Italy then pointed a finger at America.

England blushed as Japan slid a box of chocolate pocky out of his pocket and handed it to England who reluctantly took a piece, and put it in between his teeth. America turned his head and took the other end in his mouth, ate all of the chocolate side, and quickly backed away from England just as he was about to touch his lips to his.

England looked down disappointed and America looked sorry for him. He tackled England into a full on kiss on the lips and Japan, Hungary, and Nomi flashed their cameras rapid fire. After America pulled away, England buried his face in his hands and America wore a smug smile that stretched from ear to ear.

(Ok! That's all for this part! I hope you guys liked it X3. Btw if you guys wanna be added into the story just leave your name down below and i may add you in the next part X3. That's all from me, Bai guys!)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2015 ⏰

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