Hetalia Gerita Yaoi Sleepover

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(Oh my glob. Im sooooooooo sorry i haven't updated in like, forever. This'll kinda be a bonus chapter to make up my absence X3 Im gonna be adding in all the countries for this one :3 maybe some of my other ships? May or may not contain lemony stuff. Idk yet. Enjoy doe!)

Italy woke up in excitement and ran from the bedroom that he and Germany shared. Yesterday, They and all the other countries had received an invitation from Hungary and Nomi. (Yes im putting myself in here X3) Feli was very excited as he slipped on his clothes and headed downstairs to boil some breakfast pasta. Germany came down 10 minutes later with a towel over his head and wearing only his boxers. He still had that kind of groggy look on his face you get when you wake up every morning.

Italy had his back turned to Germany and was working at the stove only focused on boiling his pasta. Only when Italy turned around as red as a tomato did Germany realize He had pretty much no clothes on. His face matched the same hue as Italy's as he ran at sonic speed upstairs and came down 15 minutes later fully clothed.

Italy giggled as he served the pasta on the table for breakfast. "So Germany?"


"Are you excited for the sleepover tonight? Elizaveta mentioned something about this game called 7 minutes in heaven? And the pocky game?"

Germany's face turned a darker shade of red again.

"What?" Italy asked.

"Noffing." Germany said as he ate his pasta quietly.

Later, Italy and Germany started packing for the sleepover. Although it meant a lot of coaxing to get Ludwig to actually come with.

Feli packed and Italian flag blanket with matching pillow, Toiletries, Italian flag swimming trunks (Hungary said there would be a pool), and some pasta scented candles. Germany stuffed all the things that Italy had neglected but needed into his bag before he could close it.

Germany packed German flagged pillow and blanket, Toiletries, German flagged pjs, German flagged swimming trunks, and some wurst in case there would be a barbecue when they went swimming. He also packed all that other boring stuff.

As they headed outside they were greeted by Japan who drove up in his Honda car. He said that he had also been invited to the sleepover and Hungary had asked him to pick them up. As Germany and Italy got into the car, Germany could've sworn he'd seen the red flash of a recorder cam coming from Japan's bag. He quickly covered it up with his jacket.

Hungary lived fairly far away, give or take an hour so Italy made himself comfortable by laying on Germany's shoulder and when neither was looking, Japan would look in the rear view mirror and snicker at the two. Germany caught him looking once and a small blush crept across his face as he realized what Japan was snickering at. Italy had gotten so comfortable that he had a thin line of drool running down from his mouth to his chin.

Germany sighed and grabbed a tissue from the side car door. He gently wiped Italy's face as not to wake the little country. Soon, The axis had arrived at Hungary's place.

America soon came running out of the front door to greet them and help unload their luggage.


America shouted in his hyped up on sugar voice. Soon after Hungary came out and knocked America over the head with her frying pan and looked around.

"Ok. Whoever gave the American idiot skittles come on out." Hungary glared.

Prussia slowly stepped out from behind the bushes holding a half gone wrapper of skittles. Hungary then ran threateningly at Gil with her frying pan.

"Gwaaaa!" Prussia then ran inside and hid.

Hungary sighed and went back to the axis powers. She whispered to Japan and the two of them went to Japan's bag and pulled out a camera that was still recording. They looked over the footage and to their disappointments all they saw was fleece from Germany's jacket that had been covering the lens the entire time.

Soon, they all went inside and there was a list on a supporter in the middle of the living room.

It had room assignments on where the countries would be sleeping for the night.

In room 1: Germany, Italy, Prussia, Canada (Wait who?), Hungary, Nomi (Meeeeeeee), Romano, Spain, And Japan.

In room 2: America, Britain, France, Russia, China, Greece, Denmark, And Norway.

After they had moved all their belongings into the rooms that Hungary had assigned to them, Hungary called all of them through an intercom throughout the building, frightening Italy who then cowered behind Germany.

"Attention all countries."

Hungary's voiced trilled through the speakers.

"Please at this time slip on your swimsuits and head to the backyard for a pool party."

Italy's eyes opened at the announcement and Japan quickly flashed a picture seeing as this was a rare occurrence. Italy rubbed his eyes from the camera flash and now the golden pools of cuteness known as Italy's eyes were closed once again.

The countries all slipped on their swimming trunks (All except France who decided he wanted to go skinny dipping) and met outside. Hungary later came out in a bikini and a camera in hand. Japan sported a matching camera as well.

Prussia was the first one to jump in, He dragged Canada (Wait who?) In with him as well.

"WHA! Gil!"

Canada yelped as he was dragged into the fairly frigid waters. Italy soon after him. All the countries had soon jumped in except Germany, And Japan and Hungary who both were snapping pictures of all the shippy moments at rapid fire.

Italy later came up behind Germany who had just started wading waist deep in the water and splashed the larger country's back with cold water.

Germany let out a little squeal and everyone turned to look at him. Germany's face had turned as red as His lover's pasta sauce.

He turned towards Italy and let out one of his commander yells.


And everyone started laughing as Italy swam away from Germany as he tried and failed miserably in the water to catch the smaller nation.

(Welp. There's chapter one! X3 I'll start work on chapter 2 if u guys want. Lemme know if you wanna see more. I was thinking of adding The pocky game, 7 minutes in heaven, and truth or dare in the next chapter X3 Lemme know ok? I love comments and hearing from you guyz.

But yea, baiz)

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