Chapter 17 - The Return of Kings part 1

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(not associated with the new season, except the ideas)

New experience to be shared, new moments to give with unforgettable  people.

I remember all those short times when I first met Shiro, Kuroh, and Neko they were very suspicious and a bunch of funny fellows. I heard of Shiro's disappearance from the two and they are still searching for him, always and will always be waiting for him to come home. I hope they meet Shiro soon. I feel something bad might happen if Shiro won't come back.

As I take a long vacation trip at Kyushu to get some relaxing hot spring and forget all the bad things that happened yesterday and to get my mind some refresh and out of the Kings. And my childhood friend Akira troubles me, I don't know why he would do that.

"Never mind that! Forget about those stuff! Remember Hina you are in a vacation! Forget all those things and get a new mindset for sometime!". I said to myself while standing with a feeling of success grasp into my hands inside the spring bath (don't worry there's no one here...ha..ha).

"Oh? Hina-chan? You're here too?!".

A familiar voice made me look back.

"(Crap. Tsukiko saw me. She. Saw. Everything.)". I died inside. " Tsu-ki-ko-san.. did. you. hear. everything?".

"Ahahaha, not really." with a smile of her face.

"(T-this is bad. I'm even standing up...crap...)". I looked down when I saw hers and hurriedly sat down as she moves toward the spring, I feel so lifeless right now.

" Anyways Hina-chan, what made you have a trip to one of the best places to find a hotspring?".

"I- I just wanted some fresh feeling and a new mindset, you see there's a lot things that happened to me while you were taking out, and I'm currently freaking out."

"Aw. It's okay! Let's have fun! Ah! since you are here, I'll introduce you to my family.". She smiled.

" OHHHHHH! You live in Kyushu?! I'm sorry for not knowing....forgive meeeeee." I clasped my hands.

"Oh! haha It's fine. And besides I was always an outsider in Ashinaka, but now you're here. I made a friend. It's amazing."

I was amazed by her glimmering feeling towards me, as her only friend in Ashinaka. She somehow feels very important and close to me.

to be continued..

ps. sorry readers for the centuries update.

I also apologize for my grammars. i suck, i know. ;w;

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