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Perrie's POV

"Jade!!" I called out.

"What is it Perrie!" She shouted back.

"I'm hungry! And I can't move!"

"What do you mean you can't move?"

"I'm pregnant. Remember? It's hard for me to move."

"Oh right."

"Yeah. Can I get some ice cream?" I pleaded.

"Sure Pez, what kind?"

"Uh, any kind."

"Okay. I'll be back." I nodded as she walked out the door. I decided to listen to music. It was fun to listen to our own songs once in a while.

"What song should I listen too?" I asked myself. Just as I was about to put my earbuds in, Jade walked in.

"Here's your ice cream. I got you vanilla. Is that okay?"

"Yeah that's fine."

"Be prepared." She said all of a sudden.

"For what?"

"The baby."

"Oh yeah. I know. The doctor said that she could come at any second."

"Remember. Just one more week until Cece comes." Cece was the name I gave my baby girl. Just one more week until she's finally here. You couldn't believe all the pressure we went through to put off the Salute Tour.

"I know. I can't wait though. I want her to come now. I wanna see her." I sighed.

"I know Perrie. It's gonna be okay. I know that Zayn isn't here to be with you. But I'm sure he is in your heart."

Zayn was my fiancé, he died in a car crash while going to stadium in the US. I have been waiting for him to come back until Niall told me that he had died. My heart just broke and I have been crying ever since.

But I've stopped now. I didn't want Cece to feel sad or hear about her dad. I felt myself tearing up again.

"Perrie don't cry. It'll be okay. Me and the girls with obviously be here with you forever. You know that right?" Jade asked.

"Of course I do. And I love you guys so much.."

"We love you too Perrie!" Said Jesy and Leigh coming into the room.

"Aw group hug, yeah?" Jesy asked. I nodded my head once again.

"Woah, not so hard. I still have a baby in here."

"Oh yeah, how are you doing? Is she hurting you?" Leigh asked.

"So many questions haha!" But they were asking lots of questions, "but she was hurting me but I'm fine now."

"That's good."

"I'm a bit tired. Do you guys mind if I sleep a little?" I asked them.

"No not at all. Rest up momma." Jesy added.


"Well you are going to be one so why not call you momma. That's what the little one is going to call you." Jesy said as she poked my stomach softly.

"Yeah you're right." I said, and we all laughed. It was really fun having all the girls supporting me and Cece.

"Goodnight love, get lots of rest."

"Goodnight girls." I said as I slowly drifted off to sleep.


Next morning I woke up really late. It was about 2pm and girls had gone somewhere and left me alone. "Where did they go?" I asked myself while rubbing my eyes. Then I checked my phone and saw that I got messages from the girls.

To Perrie:
Jade- Hey Perrie, we're at the studio. If you need us, just call. Bye! X.

To Perrie:
Jesy- Hiya, we'll be recording out parts on the new album. Call us if you need anything. Bye babe. Xx.

To Perrie:
Leigh- Perrie, hope you're awake and doing okay with Cece. Don't wait for us to get back, call any of us if you need anything. <3

So then I decided to respond back to them..

From Perrie:
Thanks Jade. What song are you guys recording?

From Perrie:'
Thank you Jesy. How's the writing going?

From Perrie:
Thanks Lele. When do you guys need me to come back and record?

I finally got the strength to get out of bed and make breakfast for me and Cece. "What kind of cereal do we have?" I asked myself again. "Eh, I'll just get Trix. I don't care if 'Trix is for kids!' it's for me too!" I don't know who I was talking to who. Maybe Cece. Then my phone buzzed.

Text Message from Jade

To Perrie:
Jade- We are recording Grown and I Love You at the moment. What are you doing at home?

From Perrie:
Eh, I'm eating cereal with Cece.

I sent the message and put my phone down. I haven't heard from Jesy and Leigh after I sent my text message to them.

Then all of a sudden, I felt this pain all of a sudden. "Oh my god, the baby is coming!" I yelled out loud even though no one was here. I grabbed my phone and speed dialed Jesy.
"Hello?" She said.

"Jesy! The baby's coming! Help me please!"
I yelped out I pain.

"Okay! The girls and I will be there in one second! Hold on Perrie!" Jesy yelled.

I hung up the phone and kept screaming until the girls came. They barged in and took me to the hospital.

"Girls! It hurts so much! Please hurry!"

"Okay! I'm driving as fast as I can! Hold on Perrie!" Leigh yelled as she was speeding.

Jade sat next to me and told me to put her hand in her lap. Jesy sat in front and called the hospital ahead of time.

"We're almost there!" Leigh yelled again.

"Hurry up! I can feel her!!" I helped louder in much more pain. This was the most painful thing I have ever experienced. Ever.

We got inside the hospital and I heard Jade scream out, "SOMEONE GET HER A WHEELCHAIR! SHE IS GOING TO HAVE A BABY! PLEASE HURRY!"

Then I saw a nurse came with one and I sat on it very quickly. I could still feel Cece getting ready to come out and I was screaming my lungs out.


"Okay okay! Push Perrie! Push!" I did as he said.

"Come on Perrie you're almost there!"

"AHHHH!" I could feel my feet hit something. I accidentally hit him in the face.

"Almost! Almost!" I gave Cece one last push and then I heard him say, "She's here."

I smiled and saw the girls walk in. The next thing I knew was that I blacked out.

Hii! Emily here, thanks for reading my first chapter of Perrie from Little Mix! Hope you like it! Sorry to leave you on a cliffhanger. Please vote on this story! And comment! Don't forget to read my other stories too! They're shit but if you do read them, I hope you'll like them.


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