Chapter 6: The Doomsday of Angel Grove

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(Angel Grove, Command Centre, 1993)
(3rd Person POV)
"Aye yi yi, Zordon Scanners indicate massive energy spikes in Angel Grove" Alpha 5 says
"Alpha, Transport the Rangers here" Zordon says
"Right a way Zordon" Alpha says activating the teleport and as he does that the building shakes as the beams of light arrive transporting the Rangers
"What's going on Zordon?" Jason asks
"Yeah" Zack says
"We have a major situation" Zordon says
"What is it?" Billy asks
"The destruction of the world as we know it" Zordon says
"What do you mean?" Kimberly asks
"I have received a message from my past self, with news that an enemy of a future ranger cell is running loose In Angel Grove" Zordon says
"Time travel? That's impossible" Zack says
"It is very possible, you are needed in 1989" Zordon says and then a time portal opens up right in front of them
"When you get to the past, you will meet the Time Force Rangers, with their time travel knowledge and knowledge of this enemy, they are your only hope" Zordon finishes
"Come on" Jason says
"You must morph or you will be torn apart by the space time continuum" Alpha says and the rangers nod and raise their morphers
"It's Morphin Time!" Jason shouts and with a bright glow they are soon morphed
"Come on" Zack says and they run into the time portal
"Aye yi yi what is happening?" Alpha asks as the ground shakes
"The mountain in which the command centre is based is collapsing, the collapse will trigger a chain reaction that will destroy Angel Grove in a matter of minutes" Zordon says
"The Zeo Crystals weren't designed for such pressure" Alpha says
"Indeed Alpha, the crystals with flatten Angel Grove" Zordon says and then the power goes out
"The power couplers have been destroyed" Alpha says
"So have the mountains main structural areas, goodbye Alpha" Zordon says
"Goodbye Zordon" Alpha says
"It is up to the rangers to save us and indeed the world, may the power be with you my rangers" Zordon says and then his energy tube shatters and the good energy within gets taken over by negative energy which explodes

The shock wave wipes out the power and water supply to the city and not before long a wave of dust and ash blanks the city inch by every inch

Left over negative energy from the command centre starts to crystallise the dust and ash and soon Angel Grove is one giant crystal

'May the power be with you my rangers'
(Jason's POV, Angel Grove, 1989)
When we fly out of the portal thing we land in... The commend centre,
"The Commend Centre?" I question
"Looks like it" Zach says
"Welcome Time Travellers, we have been expecting you" Alpha says approaching
"Yes, welcome to 1989, the Time Force Rangers are making their way to find necessary parts required for their timeship on the out skirts of the city" Zordon says appearing
"What do we do?" I ask
"You'll need to assist the Time Force Rangers in finding their ships missing parts in order to travel backwards in time" Zordon says
"They are currently in Angel Grove finding the first piece of what is missing" Alpha says
"Let's head to the city and help them" Zach says
"Preparing Teleport now" Alpha says
"We'll teleport you to the location of the Time Force Rangers" Zordon says
"Teleport activated" Alpha says
"May the power be with you" Zordon says and the rangers disappear in a beam of multicoloured light towards Angel Grove


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