1.Waiting Inside The Shadow

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The sound of the cameras snapping the photos in a row,

The sound of the fans screaming loudly,

The dazzling flash lights created by all kinds of cameras and mobile gadgets.

In this sudden change of the entire area caused Luke's eyes to wrinkle, his eyes felt like they were blinded by those light effects and his ears were deaf that now every noises sounded like a bee was buzzing right next to his ears. He should've be already get used to this kind of a situation, as he is now known as a member of a band called '5 Seconds Of Summer' and been recognized by many people at the public. But then to him, this kind of process was not comfortable to him though it's no more an overwhelming kind of a thing to him. He was no more a loser from a small town of a Sydney, who uploads cover videos in Youtube as an amateur singer. Whenever he told about this problem to people around him, they'd always go like- 'It's gonna be alright. You'll get used to it.' or giving him a strange and jealous glance which looks like they are accusing him for doubting such things that they can't even have it. Also he was not even with his band, even.. ya, he was all alone to afford the situation.

"Can you hold my hand,"

Suddenly he felt the presence from his back, he shrugged and turned his head. He stared at his friend's face- as she was never been into this kind of a situation, there was a glimpse of fear and dizzy shown from her face.

'Can you hold my hand,'

The familiar voice and the person was overlapped over her. Back to the state of the absence of his mind, Luke had hold the hand without answering. His hand and the hand intertwined, and Luke started to drag the hand away from the crowd. If it was usual the paparazzis and the fans might've continuously block them, but Luke's unpredictable action had made them passively make a way so Luke could pass them.

'I'm bringing you with me, I'm going with you and you're on my league. You won't leave me again.'

Luke thought when he was finally on the road. When he heard the voice from his back which was calling our for a taxi cab, just like the spell was broke his mind had returned to the reality. The voice was not the voice he was expecting, and the hand was cold. It was different from what he was expecting. When he took off his hand like he was snatching it, his friend's shoulder winced and she looked at him with her widened eyes. He tried to explain why did he suddenly done it but just like always, which is the unchanging value of him, he spitted out a stupid word.

"Your hand is cold,"

He really didn't mean it to say that, but it just came our from his mouth. He literally spitted out it. It was nothing about his clumsy self, it just came out from his mouth. He knew it was not at all something that might've been done by a 'gentleman' which his mother had emphasize to his sons for the ladies. He felt like running away from this road and bang his head hard on the brick wall standing on the opposite side of the road. He was so desperate to rewind the time, and take the words which he said. As Luke said that word to her, she sheepishly said with a wrinkled smile.

"Um, ya. My hands are cold, so I always need to wear double pairs of gloves in every winter season,"

Then she awkwardly laughed, which was obvious she made the laugh- the fake laugh. He apologized.

"You know, I'm really sorry-"

"No, no! Why you're saying sorry for that? You know, you escorted me through the crowd because of my stupid request and I'm the one who must be sorry for that,"

"No, why sorry for that? I should be really sorry-"

Suddenly the taxi cab appeared out of no where, just like it was planned earlier.

"I gotta go, bye Luke. Wish your rest of the night.. is enjoyable!"

She opened the taxi door and ran into it before Luke will say bye to her. She didn't even open the car window and waved to him, she just left so fast and when Luke turned up his head, she was already gone. Silently cursing, he walked and walked without no direction and when he saw some noisy bar with full of crowds in it, without caring about the stares he'll get from the stranger who recognized him, he walked into the bar to take some drinks that might fill up the emptiness he was having.


"Please go to this place,"

With an unclear pronounce Luke had entered inside the taxi cab and told the driver to the small residence that he and his band was staying. The middle aged, experienced taxi driver chut his tongue as his passenger had entered inside to his cab. If it was some kind of another passenger who smelled like a strong alcohol like Luke, he might've chased the person out of his taxi because he didn't risk to carry a drunk passenger which will lead to pollute the seats and have a fight for the cash that is incorrectly paid by the. But this young man that rid in his car, he looked so broken. He looked like he is gonna get shattered into pieces if someone tries to touch him. Luke had bring out the sympathy out from the taxi driver which cause him from not getting rejected and going out back to the cold, strange streets.

As he was kept on getting the curious glances from the taxi driver through the car mirror, Luke had connected his headset to his iPhone. As he shoved the headset violently into his ear holes, out of no where a radio was coming out from his phone. The radio was playing a sad, gloomy pop song sang by a gloomy voice of a female singer. Her voice was monotonous, but deep, and sorrowful. The song was not a type of a song he liked but he wanted to listen it so bad.. He curled his body and crawled towards to the edge of the seats. He didn't want to be a part of the shadow, but he was just staying at the shadow. Waiting inside it, though he didn't know what was coming towards him.

He was just doing it.


So.. hi! I'm blahblahcth and this is my first 5SOS fanfic. Wow. I can't believe I actually did this..

As you can see, my English is not good because English is not my mother tongue.. I'm sorry if it took you some time to understand some of the lines or you can't understand them.

So I'm finding an editor.. I'll be really appreciated if you can edit my ugly fanfics with your proper English, please comment if you can be my editor..

I'll upload the 2nd chapter soon.. it's going to be a bit violent and aggressive in the next chapter so I'm warning you..

Thank you for reading!! x

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Oct 11, 2015 ⏰

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