Chapter 10

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The crying of the sinners is more loved to Allah than the tasbeeh of the arrogant.
                 #Ibn al-Qayyim

A.N: After three covers made by me, I finally chose the right one. Thank you @xx-Shiny_Hope-Xx for this beautiful cover <3

Adam's POV:

I then realised how long I've been looking at her, then I lowered my gaze.
Astaghfirullah, what was I doing...

I approached them, smiled at the grandma then told Ranime to come.

They said good-bye then we went together:
"Am I late? Why did you come?" Ranime asked me.
"They have been waiting for us, yeah you're late" I said emotionless.
"Time passed so fast" She said.

I didn't answer, I didn't look at her also, I was feeling guilty.
Astaghfirullah again.

Ranime's POV:

His rude attitude again.. ugh.

We went calmly to the other guys and talked about some stuff together: concerning the activities of course.

"Let's go to some restaurant I know, you all must be so hungry" Adam told us smiling.

"What are you going to choose?" I asked Hajare.
"Hmm, I'm not sure what about you?"
"Since I have no money I guess I'll just eat until I return back home"
"Don't you know?" Israe told me
"What?" I asked
"Adam is known for paying for food everytime we eat outside, he's so kind, he'll never let someone pay instead of him"

We-the girls- were sitting around a table.
And boys around another one.

They couldn't hear what we were talking about.

"He's paying..the bills?" I asked
Then I looked at the prizes

OMG, so expensive!!
I was from a rich family yeah, but I would never pay for 10 people.

"Omg, that's so expensive.." I said.

Then Lina smiled widely looking at the other girls then said:
"That's why he's every girl's dream"
"You better say it's your dream, no one loves him as much as you do haha, for us he's just a kind brother, just let me not start talking about him, I won't stop"

What? Does everyone just love him that much?
What's so special about him...

"Just how much do you know about him?"

Then I noticed that they didn't pay attention but were looking at him.
I did as well, and found him talking in the phone.

"It's Maryam, I'm sure.." Lina said.

"He's talking with her, she must have called him to check if we're done." she added
"Who is this?" I asked.
"His cousin, she's a leader of a group in hidaya."
"And what's the problem?"
"Can't you get it? Lina is jealous.
Maryam is so precious to him, they are close and are at the same age"

"He has a cousin? Didn't he loose all his relatives except his father and sister?" I asked

"Yes he did, but they've found out about her three years ago, she's adopted but she kept her last name of course, as it's forbidden in Islam to change the last name in this case"

"Ah I see" I said.
"He's really caring so much when it comes to Maryam"
"Just how much do you know about Adam? What's with him avoiding eye-contact with girls" I asked curious to know.

"That's one of the most beautiful things about him, he's lowering his gaze whenever he sees a girl, he never looks at her for a long time, it's called hayae. Every boy has to do that, 'cause girls are not meant to be seen that much.
They are their husbands', the only ones who can look at them and enjoy doing it.
Lowering your gaze shows respect" Sarah answered."

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