Chapter 17

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"No amount of guilt can change the past and no amount of worrying can change the future" -Umar Ibn al-Khattab-

Ranime's POV:

[Flashback (before Adam's trip to Palestine)

"Adamuu, what are you doing? Still awake?" Ranime asked.

"Yes habibaty, I'm almost done lhamdulillah. The medicine will be ready after tomorrow inshaAllah" Adam answered

"Ouh, my smart husband is going to old fast. You will hurt your eyes this way" Ranime told him.

"Awn, look at yourself now, you're worried about me"

Is this what the medicine will look like? You made this yourself during those whole years of studies.. MashaAllah!
But does it cure memory loss?"

"Hmm not really, there is some anonymous person who made some dangerous pills that cause memory loss and I was trying to find an antidote that cures it"

"MashaAllah, a doctor that looks like a chemist. I'm luckyy awnh" Ranime said

"I'm the lucky one, Ranimu"
Then he added with a serious tone:

"But I'm not sure, it may damage some other organs so I'm not going to expose it for the moment..."

[End of the flashback]

I opened my eyes, to smell some unfamiliar scents.

I was in a room full of women, some with their children.
There were many of them.

I was trying to remember what happened to me before coming but I couldn't.

My head hurts.

They seemed to be normal, living peacefully in this room.

"She woke up finally, you've been sleeping for a whole day, did the chief save you? How kind from him" One of them told me.

"Oh, so you're not married yet, I see you don't have any child" another one added

But I was looking at them, absent-minded.

"She may be shocked, do not bother her" Some childish voice said.

The little girl was closing her eyes, she was sitting in a corner alone.
She looked suspicious.

"ADAM!" I screamed remembering what happened.


"Calm down, you'll have to accept what is happening to you right now. The ones you love left you, they brought you to this place" one of them told me.

"What are you talking about? I was brought to this place, I do not have any idea about where I am right now but I just want to know where are my husband and my sister!!" I said upsetly

"Oh, so you were married"

"You're the first muslim to come here.. Seeing you close like this, you look beautiful" Another one added.

I knew some women were talking, but I wasn't hearing anything, I was just trying to open the door.
It was LOCKED.

"Wait, they will open the door soon to give us lunch"

"What are you doing people? What is that?" I asked

Then the girl who was closing her eyes said calmly:

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