I'm Officially an 8th Grader!

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August 25, 2014

It was the first day of 8th grade for two specific, young souls. These said souls were none other than Alfred F. Jones, and Ivan Braginski. The both of them were very different, yet so alike at the same time. So, how does our story begin, you ask? Approximately around 6:00 A.M., when Alfred finally wakes up from that god awful alarm clock of his.

"Ugh, can't a guy sleep a little while longer? Seriously, I can't function this early in the morning", he complained. The young adolescent searched around in his nightstand for his glasses; they were a rectangular shape, and were blue on the rims.

Once his glasses (which he liked to call "Texas" for some reason) were on his face, he got out of bed, and stretched. He looked in the mirror afterwards only to find those itchy, pus-filled, red bumps all over his face. Puberty sucked complete ass.

Alfred sighed heavily at the sight of those disgusting bumps, but got ready for school nonetheless.

His outfit for the day consisted of a pair of skinny jeans, a t-shirt, and a black pair of Vans to top it off. It was still considerably warm outside, so he wasn't going to wear any of his flannels today, or tomorrow, or until it hit September.

Alfred liked the cool guy style at that moment so, he styled his hair to look that way, and pulled a beanie over it to complete the look. He also sprayed a tad too much of Axe on, and slathered on deodorant as so to not smell like sweat all day.

The 13 year old had quite a bit of time left before he had to catch the bus, so, with his book bag in hand, he decided to head downstairs to get some breakfast like he had previously done his 7th grade year.

"Mattie! You up, bro? If you aren't ready then you need to hurry!" Alfred yelled. Usually, Matthew (his brother) would be yelling for him to get his lazy ass out of bed so they wouldn't be late to school, but, with all the anticipation, and anxiety running through his veins about starting school, there was no way he wouldn't get up extra early just to look a little nicer for his first day. He never heard a response, so he assumed his twin wasn't up, and climbed back up the stairs to wake him.

When he got to his brother's room, he found Matthew already awake. Alfred was confused at this. He could've sworn he didn't hear a thing come from his bedroom, but there Matthew was, dressed and ready. "Mattie, why didn't you answer when I asked if you were up?" Alfred asked. Matthew only rolled his eyes. This definitely wasn't something new, he had dealt with this type of treatment ever since he had remembered. "I answered, you just didn't hear me, you dweeb." He replied. "Well, let's go get some breakfast from downstairs. I think papa might be up, I smelled pancakes when I was in the staircase." Alfred suggested.

The both of them ran downstairs at that thought. It was a rare occurrence that their father was up this early, it was usually their other father, Arthur, who was up this early making the two of them breakfast. Although, they never ate his horrid cooking, but they'd never admit to it.

To their luck, it was Francis who was downstairs finishing pancakes for them. The twins both took a deep breath, and exhaled delighted. "Papa! I smell food!" Mattie yelled excitedly. Francis shrieked a bit from the sudden surprise of his son yelling. He turned around, and smiled widely at what he saw; his two sons had on what he had bought for them to start school in, instead of what Arthur had bought them. Sure, Francis loved his husband by all means, but that didn't mean he liked his husband's clothing choices.

"Ah, Mattie, darling. Of course you smell good food, Papa made it after all" Francis boasted. What he didn't know was that Arthur was right around the corner, ready to pounce on him for the rude comment. Just as Francis served the boys their breakfast, Arthur waltzed into the kitchen, with a scowl on his face. Matthew and Alfred only started to giggle, knowing what was t come from their fathers.

"So Francis, you don't think my cooking is any good, hm?" Arthur teased. Francis went a bit pale, and the two brothers on laughed harder (Alfred choked a bit). "Hehe, uh, who ever said that, amoureux?" His French accent getting thicker. "Well Francis, I couldn't help but overhear you tell little Matthew over here that since you've cooked, it was certain that he smelled good food". Arthur smirked, pleased at what an way mess he had made of Francis.

Francis on the other hand, was internally screaming. Arthur was not a man to fuck around with. Then, out of nowhere, everyone but Francis started to laugh. He stood there dumbfounded.

Soon afterwards, Alfred heard the bus coming around the corner, and the boys had to leave for the school day. Today was going to be his day.

A/N: Hello! This is my first actual, serious fanfiction about actual life. I think I'll be pretty good at this. I enjoy hobby writing, and I do it whenever I'm really inspired. My experience of figuring out what sexuality I was during middle school is what the plot of this story is loosely based around. But, now I'm just rambling, so I hope you enjoy my fiction. :>

Junior High: A Romance {RusAme}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora