Chapter. 2

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Alyssa's POV:

'Fourth period, aka the last subject of the day then I will be all done.' I thought to myself with a huge smile on my face because the long and exhausting school day is almost over. And I was super excited that I get to hear the boy's new song before they release it on ITunes!

As a walked into  Spanish I just headed toward my seat, and just sat and listened to my Spanish teacher giving the usual Spanish lecture..and all that boring stuff until the end of the day. After one hour the school day was finally completed. Everyone left the school once the bell rung and headed toward their cars in the school parking lot and I did the same. I walked towards my big white jeep grand Cherokee and drove towards Luke's place for the rehearsal. About a half an hour later I reached Luke's house. Once I arrived I got out of the car and walked on the brick pathway leading towards the boy's fancy door.

A moment or so later Calum welcomed me with a nice warm hug and an invite inside. He lead me towards their common room or the living room whatever you like to call it...That was the room where Mikey and a very close friend of mine Hailey were cuddling together in a warm and fuzzy blanket watching The Fault In Our Stars with each others' heads lying in each others' shoulders. I looked all around the place and Ash was the next person who caught my eye because he was in the kitchen preparing a quick bite to eat which consists of toast and vegemite. Then I heard big heavy foot steps approaching my way and it was Luke. My boy who I haven't seen since I arrived. He noticed that I finally arrived so he pulled me into a tight hug and a welcoming steamy kiss, instead of a peck on the cheek.

"So glad you finally got here Alyssa" he said as he bit his lip..

I was so unbelievably happy to see him again even though I have just saw him in AP science.

"Alright lets get to practice" Ash announced just as he swallowed his last little piece of toast..

"To the garage we go then" Mike said as he turned the tv off and made his way to the garage with Hailey. Luke than had wrapped his arm around me as we followed everyone else into the garage.

Hailey and I grabbed two seats in the garage and had a little chat while the boys gathered their instruments and equipment..

'So you decided to watch TFIOS with Mikey huh..' I said while nudging Hailey

[Pretty much, since Mikey hasn't seen it] Hailey Mentioned

1,2,3,4 Ashton yelled while banging his drumsticks together

Hailey and I than turned our direction to the boys and they started playing "Hey Everybody" which was super catchy in Hailey and I's opinion!!!


3 Pieces from my new story "Beside You" what a treat from me I guess lol..Well I am possibly going to update later on today since it's like 1:00 am where I live so um yeah please comment down below because i'd love to hear some feed back!

IG:// @my_australian_angels1

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